Heart Palpitations 3 A and E visits in 6 months
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HI everyone, has anybody else noticed pins and needles going down there left arm?
Ive had this symptom since october, along with severe heart palpitations shortness of breath, pain in the top of my back. This leads me to panic attacks and anxiety. I got home at 3 am this morning from another A and E visit. My heart rate went to 150 when they did the ecg the doctor said it wasnt aheart attack but has referred me to see acardiologist. Has anybody else suffered with these horrendous symptoms? At the time that they are happening i feel like i am going to die. They happen nearly almost everytime at night. I havent had a period since june and am 48 ive been bitting on bobbing going 4 months before this and then comeing back on. ANY HELP OR ADVICE WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED XXXX
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llotenz55 samantha48216
Hi Samantha
I am also dealing with severe heart palpations which seem to only come on during the night and wake me up from a sleep. I went myself to ER last week to be told my EKG and blood work all look good and sent me on my way. My GP prescribed xanax since there now causing panic attacks which are the absolute worse!!
I just started taking magnessium also.
When you feel the attack come on try taking deep breaths , concentrate on the breaths and they subside much quicker.
pins and needles are from aniexty .
samantha48216 llotenz55
HI, thank you to everyone for there replys, it certainly helps alot to know that others are experiencing the same thing. When i went to a and e the dr said i had a heart rate of 158 . It happened again last night it starts with the pins and needles all down my left hand side mostly affecting my arm. My arm is in actual pain when they happen. Heart rate went up and was sweating and felt sick. I laid in bed and just tried to manage it until it eventually subsided after about 15 mins. What an awful and petrifying time that we are all going through. When they are happening which is only ever at night i think this is it, am going to die of a heart attack!! I got some magnesuim, calcium and vit d liquid yesterday and also menapace tablets and have started taking them. Has anybody else felt actual pain in there arm and top of the chest? xxx
Pra_Adoni samantha48216
Hi Samantha,
yes I also have numb hands - more so the left than the right (I'm right handed) - with and without palpitations. I did not go to ER, but googled and go everything from having a heart attack to it being an imaginary thing. Then I happened to stumble in here and it was like a light bulb went on. Now I understand and know the origin of the list of my woes and menopausal symptoms. I can say the palpitations, anxiety and numb hands and feet are the worst for me.
I did get my heart checked (EKG) and complete blood work done, with everything normal. So now a days I just ignore it and try to drink more water, use magnesium (transdermal) and deep breaths. When you cannot avoid it, the next best option is to manage it - sometimes it is successful and most of the times it is not
Hang in there, I hope we will soon be able to put all this behind us and start the rest of our "free" lives!
samantha48216 Pra_Adoni
Have you found the magnesium has helped? When will all this end, i feel so low with it, just want to feel myself again. I tried doing the deep breathing last night when one came on and it definately helped. xxxx
caroline62395 samantha48216
When I first started with perimenopause 5 years ago I ended up in A&E 4 times with high heart rate and chest pain, they never found anything, I was referred to a cardiologist and had loads of tests including a echocardiogram. The conclusion was anxiety, I still have palpitations now but try to just wait them out, they always go away. I have started having night sweats and get high heart rate with these but I just tell myself its nothing and go back to sleep. Hopefully when you have seen the consultant it will put your mind at rest x
eloise94644 samantha48216
yes i have palpitations and was reffered to a cardiologist where everything came back normal, my cardiologist said that its from the fluctuating of our hormones, deep breathing is good there are some good apps on the iphone that can help with breathing exercises.
im now getting used to these and now i know its nothing serious it helps a lot. still anxious but trying to manage it better
eloise x
DH59 samantha48216
My palpitations/irregular beats come on at night. Very worrying. Also been to A&E a few times, but it usually goes away when I sit or stand up for a few minutes. Unfortunately I let the docs put me on beta blockers and I have had nothing but further trouble since, with all the side effects. Just weaning off the latest one and vow never to touch them again. I use magnesium spray and going to start other natural remedies.
samantha48216 DH59
They sound awful tablets, i will bear that in mind if im offered any when i see the consultant. Fingers crossed the natural remedies and Magnesuim spray with help you. xxxx
DH59 samantha48216
Hi, they really are horrendous! Just look on the Heart Health forum on here - some awful stories about what they have done to people's bodies. However, there may be cases where they are needed, so be careful and ask questions about your condition. I really don't think they were appropriate in my case, but I am seeing a new cardiologist next week and hope to get some definitive answers. I am beginning to think it is all down to the menopause. I had not had any issues for a while, and all of a sudden I occasionally feel hot again (not the same feeling as my previous hot flushes, though), and getting palpitations more often, and ocular migraines a lot more frequently than before (been getting them for about 10 years, but very spaced apart - now I can get 4/5 a week). Also recently had a different eye problem with flashing lines down one side of my vision. This could be due to the menopause, or it is also a side-effect of beta blockers. Just had a CT scan of my head so hopefully the results will be OK!
elizabeth142 samantha48216
MEDITATE its wonderful it calms your whole body down.
I have experienced all of this myself.
But drinking water, and meditation is a great helper.