Heart palpitations
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hi all. I keep feeling my heart palpitating. and my chest feeling strange. I feel like i cant breath with it. I'm scared. I've had 2 ecgs and a chest xray. and blood tests. would these show anything bad.I'm so tired from this. and just so afraid. convinced my heart will just give up or I will have a stroke or something. 😭
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jan34534 rachel_35350
i’m sorry you’re going through this Rachel. I think what is happening is that your anxiety about this is causing your adrenaline to be released which In turn speeds up your heart rate. the tests would definitely show something that was abnormal.
the only way things are going to settle down is if it settles down in your mind.
when I was going through that, I had to completely get strong with myself and push myself to stop doing what I was doing. I was over thinking everything and thinking the worst. I never felt so miserable in my life.
So I decided with the encouragement of my family to stop doing that. I know it sounds easier said than done but I decided either I was going to be completely miserable and not enjoy anything, even my family or I was going to push myself, exercise, eat healthy, do my yoga, etc.
I knew my heart was in good condition so I continued with exercise even if it was a little fast. I just did a slower work out. Eventually I started feeling stronger and mentally my mood changed significantly for the better.! I decided not to give up and not to worry about every little sensation in my body. at some point, we have to trust the judgment of the doctors and the testing.
keep in mind that a rapid heartbeat is extremely common with anxiety, worry and fear. You can reverse that! You are not going to die. Symptoms produced from anxiety are not harmful. So see if you can get a little tougher with yourself and don’t let fear take over your entire life! take care of you. ❤
rachel_35350 jan34534
thanks Jan. I guess I'm gonna have to no matter how hard it is. it really is the most horrible feeling ever. but I have had chest xray and 2 ecgs. I just have to believe them somehow. even though I doing things I can still feel my chest palpitating. but probably because I'm still thinking about it. thank you for the advice and always replying 💖💗
tiffany38681 rachel_35350
Do you have any appetite? I dont i force myself to eat. im loosing weight without even trying. its really scary then today i had therapy the therapist told me shes never heard of having anxiety 24/7. which I do. now my anxiety is through the roof telling me i must be dying. im constantly 24/7 feeling like im dying and withering away. I wish i could feel normal again but i dont not even for a secound.
rachel_35350 tiffany38681
I have an appetite sometimes. but not much really. to be honest my anxiety is 24 7. I literally right now my chest feels like its just gonna stop and i feel dizzy but I've been to the hospital and everything is normal. I've had an ecg. chest xray and blood tests and they are clear. would that show anything bad? xo
jan34534 rachel_35350
something that would help you to refocus your attention and energy to ways in which to relax your mind and body.do some yoga, go for a walk, help somebody else which takes your mind off of everything and makes you feel good, etc.
get on YouTube and find some great breathing exercises because that is the key to calming down the heart rate! do all of these things even if your heart rate is fast.you’re thinking too much about it and that’s why it won’t start.there’s an excellent free series of short videos done by a therapist on YouTube. I learned so much about my anxiety and sensations and what to do. She gives 30 free lessons. It’s called therapy in a nutshell. Check it out. all very useful information. take care