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Hello this is Jenn, I'm 51 and have been told by my gyno that I am in Perimenopause. Horrible symptoms, really hard time. I have been having heart fluttering, and an awareness of my heart beating. I keep taking my blood pressure and taking my pulse frantically . My friend who is younger then me was just hospitalized with congestive heart failure. She was short of breath, swollen, couldn't walk and collapsed on the train going to work. She was told she had a mild heart attack and needs a stent put in. She was so hysterical she had to be sedated. Since this happened I don't know if it's my anxiety and stress over it, or something is wrong. I have had blood tests and heart tests done, always normal. But, I think I will go to another cardiologist to get checked out again. I have also been having hot flashes where I start to sweat and feel very warm and then in five minutes I am cold again. This is so scary...please some advice and words needed.
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jo4848 jennifer85396
I used to suffer from these when I was younger and found it really scary as thought I was going to have a heart attack. Had it checked and it turned out it was something to do with my connective tissue being very soft and stretchy and a valve being a bit flappy or something like that. Strangely enough, as soon as I was told that (doctor also said that a lot of gymnast girls have it as it's linked to being flexible), my palpitations subsided so I think it might have been a bit physiological with me.
?I am now 45 and started getting them again a few years ago. Again, found it really scary but then realised they were always happening a few days before my period is due. I could literally tell when it was going to come as I would get the palpitations for 2 days before. And a nasty headache. This lasted for a few years and it has now stopped but my periods are all over the place so it's one thing after another really.
?I'm sure it's to do with your peri but perhaps get it checked out. And perhaps see if you can link it to your cycle?
Good luck x
cmt96701 jennifer85396
Hi there Jennifer,
if you got checked and all is good I wouldn’t be too concerned.
anxiety is no fun... that’s what this sounds like
Try to find some calming things that will help divert your attention.
Sometimes while going through these changes we ourselves need to change up some things to help us through.
Talk to people who will encourage and build you up; to people who only get you thinking or feeling the worst.
This doesn’t help our fears or anxiety. Stress is nasty part of all these changes
Things can often feel worse then what they actually are.
breathing exercises and talking to nice encouraging people is always helpful
lisa42936 jennifer85396
Your friend being taken ill like that would make you feel more anxious but try and remember all the symtoms are normal for our age, tests would show a problem x
Sorry was meant to say alcohol 😁
Guest jennifer85396
How’s one to know????????????
Guess this won’t make you feel better, but I do think if you had your heart checked out already it really is just peri. Seems like heart palps are so common among so many of us.
Gypsy014 jennifer85396
Hi Jennifer, I don't have the palpitations or fluttering but I do have everything else and the ANXIETY super bad, so I know how scary these symptoms can be.. I do read a lot of other ladies on here talk about they have palpitations though and say it's one of their peri/meno symptoms..
If you've had your heart all checked out and doctor says your fine, I would try and relax and not over think it too much! My hubby was diagnosed a year ago with afib, and last Friday couldn't breathe and ankles and feet were swollen, he went straight to hospital and has been there ever since, they now say he's in congestive heart failure and that his heart is only working 40% , they want him to where the life jacket difibulater until heart gets stronger and meds kick in... So you can only imagine how I'm feeling with my anxiety at the moment, and to top it all off my dads cancer is back and he went into hospice this weekend! I'm just trying to keep my anxiety down the best I know how.. And hopefully you can too just know you would have much worse symptoms like your friend had and my hubby if it was more serious! So try and relax and maybe call your docs office for an EKG, just to ease your ANXIETY and mind a bit!! Hope your feeling better soon.. Also heard magnesium is good for flutters/paps ?
jennifer85396 Gypsy014
Guest jennifer85396
I’m happy to report I don’t do that anymore. The heart palps are gone, just ocassionsl pains in my chest. So maybe 52 will start getting better for you too. ❤️
jennifer85396 Guest
kelly55079 jennifer85396
Go with your gut.. Get second opinion to have peace of mind. Your friend must've known something before this happened?