Heart palps2

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Well my anxiety was doing really well but the conatant heart palps were finally enough. The doctors kept saying i was fine and just benign but having constant skipped beats for hours on end was too much. So i started on propanolol beta blocker last night. Only 10mg. Hope this helps. I woke up alot last night soaked with night sweats. Also got put on zantac 150 twice a day for gerd. Hope this all helps. I just want to feel better. My anxiety is up this morning but im sure it cause the new meds. Is anyone else on this beta blocker?

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    hi yes i took 10mg propranol when i needed it in the early days i took them 3 times a day . Now i hardly take them at all they help a lot with side effects and especially heart palpatations if u take them twice or 3 times a day u will find it helps

    • Posted

      Thanks michelle45874--I'm hoping that by staying on them they will help. I just have to be patient. Today was a little better so in the right direction.

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      yes they were i was put on 80mg first but i was terrible on it so i came off them and started taking the 10mg u will find u might not need them all the time x gradually as u feel better in a few weeks u will find u wont need them

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      thats good then like u said be patient think positive and u will get there

    • Posted

      Well the palps still suck. Probably my own fault some since I went down to once a day on the propanolol. Back up to twice a day. Palps are all day somedays. I hate them! They make me cough and sometimes get cold sweats--but the doctors tell me they are no big deal--sure for them its no big deal, but I feel like I'm gonna die. Sorry to vent, just having a all day palp day. Hoping they will get better soon! My patience is running thin. I figured if I got my anxiety under control they would go away too--but they didn't.Praying they straighten out soon!

    • Posted

      HI the make me cough as well, also feel as though they are comeing from top of my stomache,

    • Posted

      Palpatations are so annoying! Been coughing and palping all day again. I seem to get a break for a day or two a d then they are back! Its pms time so i know that doesnt help. So sick of these! So far the beta blocker hasnt seemed to help so may i need to up the dose or take more. I see the doctor at the end of the month. Some days i hope i can make it till then! Everyone close to me says its not that big of thing your over reacting, so i try not to say anything even though i feel like im dying, and coughing, and lightheaded. Cardiologist says they are benign and should just reduce stress. Ive been on celexa for 7 months and feel good in that area, heart palps have been worse. Frustrating!!!!! I just want to feel better. So to vent its been a hell of a day with these.

    • Posted

      a benzo will definitely get rid off heart palpitations it did for me.the benzo relaxes your nervous system which in turn relaxes your heart.

    • Posted

      Thanks Lois, I used to take benzos so maybe I will try them again. The doctor isn't keen on them, but I think they may help more than the beta blockers.

    • Posted

      HI I keep coughing as well, feels as though it's comeing from stomach area, also internal treamberling, on Citalopram week 9 ,20mg, not helping much, what mg are you on please

    • Posted

      I have only been on 10 mg but I am very sensitive to meds. I actually started taking some acid reflux meds and it maybe helps a little with the coughing--I get real burpy so it does help with that.

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      careful with acid reflux meds .celexa and acid reflux meds dont like each other .

    • Posted

      I have been on celexa for about 7 months, and zantac and beta blocker for 3 months. I go back end of month. Still having the annoying heart palps but had an echo done and cadiologist said just benign pvcs. Burping seems to help alleviate them a little which is why dr put on the zantac.Ive stuggled with acid reflux in the past.

    • Posted

      hi did you ever have any relief of the palps going away? im having the same thing unfortunatey.

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