heart paps
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Hi all i have been in primenopause since i was 36 and i am now 53 the last year has been the worse and the last few weeks i have had every day on and off the feeling that myheart has missed a beat hope im coming to the end of perimenopause
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didi0613 karen71465
I'm just 50 now, and it started for me about a year or so ago around 49. so probably another 10 years for me. Can hardly wait. Having a lot of fun with if already. Mostly night sweats and dealing with mood swings, a little depression, dizziness, nowel issues, and some weight loss I can't seem yo get back. Occasional aches and pains, trouble sleeping. I worry everyday still that I have cancer somewhere even though I've been tested for all that. Knock on wood- I don't.
Hang in there Karen. Cingeats. you made it through.
annieschaefer karen71465
Seventeen years is certainly a long time to be perimenopausal. Sure hope things wrap up for you here soon.
karen71465 annieschaefer
karen x
mark04225 karen71465
My girlfriend ever since she went into perimenopausal she does not want sex even though I told her to take natural remidies(by the way she is a nurse). Our relationship has soared and we broke up. She did shift work and studied on top of that and she made me pay by breaking uo with her. For the last 4 years I was always patient with her and submissive because she lives by herself here in Australia and I am the only one she has who has stood by her. Also I went against my family to be woth her. i am writing this becasue I am sad and heartbroken
BellaRubia karen71465
About the heartbeat, YES, YES, YES. I had something very heart-attack alike, could not breath, my heart was so irregular I could not count it, besides, my brain was foggy and I was confused. Went to the doctor, he put me on a holter because he said I had skipped some heartbeats - nothing came up from that, my heart, even with all that irregular beating - was "normal" and the irregularities were considered minimal. I noticed it happened just before my first delayed period and when I had the holter, I was much better and having my period. Doctor was skilled enough to guess it was related to peri and said that in about one year I would be done - meaning post meno. NO, it is not the end itself but marks a closeness to the end that may take some years - I am 2 years over that and still counting.
Brace yourself, the heartbeat phase may take months, 6, 7... And one day you wake up and do not feel that anymore.
karen71465 BellaRubia
karen x