Heart pounding in the night with sweating
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For the past 4 months I've gone to sleep after only being asleep an hour I wake with pounding heart and sweating I have to jump up as it frightens me and then I get panicky it takes about 45mins to calm down or until the sweating disappears
2 likes, 12 replies
sarah05599 Shatty
Hi Shatty
I experienced waking up panicking and sweating 9 months ago when my anxiety was through the roof(this is when my peri really took over) but it kept changing. When I first had the anxiety I was waking at 2am sweating and my stomach churning and feeling so sick and I got hardly any sleep for months, then I would get what your experiencing dropping off then waking up with my heart racing and sweating so it could be anxiety, I can't comment on what night sweats are like as not had them but I seem to have had most of the other symptoms over the last few months. I'm so glad I found this site as so many of us are going through the same symptoms so it makes us feel less lonely and detached. I seem to have a week when I feel back to my normal self like I am now as I type this and think hallelujah! I'm back , then wham something else takes over my body and mind, it's like I've been possessed and someone else has taken over me.
mrs_susan74280 sarah05599
caroline62395 Shatty
jane66356 caroline62395
Technically, it's a hot flash...I've had both..I've had night sweats where I'll wake up (no racing heart) but be absolutely drenched like I'd been out in the sun for a long run!
Shatty caroline62395
Hi I'm not sure if it's to do with night sweat or is it anxiety due to peri menopause I only get it about once a month I was having the racing heart almost every night about 3 months ago it seems to have calmed down a bit bit my last 3 periods have changed aswell
pam90720 Shatty
Hi Shatty you are not alone! I'm post meno with terrible anxiety... as soon as my eyes open, my heart starts pounding... I really don't have hot flashes anymore, but I have every other symptom... it's scary. Hang in there.. 🙏💕
debi62095 pam90720
That's me too terrible worry thoughts with the anxiety on waking I dread mornings that's not right s it.
How far along are you I'm about a year no periods and on hrt patches. Still terrible depression and fatigue sore body and some headaches .truly worse thing ever. Thanks .😅
Shatty pam90720
Hi Pam thanks for replying it's so scary when ur heart races so fast and takes a while to calm down it helps that I'm not the only one going through it and I hope it is peri menopause and the anxiety because of that I'm very irritable too x
jane66356 Shatty
Hello Shatty,
That was my first and worst symptom on perimenopause... I would wake up after a few hours of sleep with my heart racing like I was working out! My heart took what seemed like forever, sometimes a couple of hours to slow back down. I went to the doctor and she told me it was anxiety! I said "no" I've had anxiety all my life and this was different...she gave me a prescription for anti-anxiety medication....said I was "too young" to be starting through the change -- I was 45. I felt like telling her to go back and check her medical books. The one thing that seemed to help me, although it doesn't always help everyone is taking soy isoflavone supplements nightly. I would check with your doctor first just in case there is a reason they wouldn't want you taking that. It took a while but it seemed to help. I'm now 51 and no longer have the racing heart in the middle of the night but still have occasional insomnia. Another thing to try is a bit of ibuprofen. Again check with your doctor first. Ibuprofen was recommended by a therapist of all thing...She'd already gone through the change and said it could help. I occasionally use that if I have some insomnia. Either that or lavender works wonders for insomnia also. Slow deep breaths were also recommended. I hope you can find some relief! Take care (((hugs)))
The ibuprofen would NOT be nightly....just if you were having a bad attack of hot flashes! (racing heart, anxiety)
Shatty jane66356
Hi Jane thanks for replying it's so scary ur heart beating so fast I hope it is just peri menopause and not my heart I think I've got health anxiety now as it worries me but it only happens in the night i used to 3 months ago get it nearly every night but it's calmed down now just once a month mostly the propanolol helps I spray lavender on my pillows I will look into the other stuff u mentioned Thank you for ur advice sending hugs back x x