Heart problems
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guys I so scared I have heart problems. yesterday I felt my heart beat. I then got all weak. and dizzey. i felt as though its gonna stop. I'm really scared. I've been posting here the last few days. some of you may have seen my other posts about me having a baby almost 4 weeks ago now. I don't don't what to do. everytime i try and relax I can feel the strange feeling in my chest. and then my body goes light. and I also noticed yesterday between my throat and chest felt abit tight. A nurse told me in the maternity hospital that If anything was wrong with my heart my oxygen levels would go down. is this true ?? the doctor listened with a stethoscope aswell. would he know if there was something wrong with just a stethoscope. I'm sorry for all the posts 😠I'm just really really struggling. scared of dying suddenly
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jan34534 rachel_35350
sorry you are still struggling with this. You may be experiencing a panic attack and not even knowing it. Severe anxiety can mimic heart problems. This happens to people all the time. Including myself. I have had so many moments where I can feel my heartbeat and then it will skip a beat. I’ve been lightheaded also.
I know you are concerned about your heart but just keep in mind that we can get ourselves so worked up when the fear takes over and get all kinds of crazy symptoms. also any symptoms related to anxiety will never hurt you!
the thing that works for me is bringing my mind down completely relaxed and doing some meditations.
I also don’t fight the symptoms because when I do they get worse.
I learned something great from a therapist on YouTube.
What I do is acknowledge the symptoms. I say to myself " I know you are there anxiety"., ( or heartbeat or whatever sensation it is.)and then I say " That’s OK. stay as long as you need to, But I am going to take a walk now " (or whatever you want to do.) when you do this, the symptom or feeling you’re getting loses its power. look up something called therapy in a nutshell. She gives thirty free video lessons on anxiety and they are excellent. I am taking notes and it’s really helping.
When we get all worked up because we have a sensation, we are telling the brain that something is wrong so the brain goes into protection mode by releasing adrenaline. That makes you more anxious.
You could also ask your doctor for an EKG so that you have peace of mind. That would show anything abnormal but my hunch is that you are suffering from anxiety related sensations. take care of yourself.
rachel_35350 jan34534
thanks Jan I'm going to look this up right now 💖