Heart problems driving me crazy

Posted , 6 users are following.

I am totally fed up with daily palpitations. Either missed beats, fast beats, thuds in the chest. They aren't continuous all day but do occur frequently throughout the day.  That's a few months now. Anyone else get them sorted frequently? I know lots of you say you've had them but how often?  Thanks for the replies in advance. 

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6 Replies

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     I had palps on vacation I was beside myself I found taking a bath in Epsom salt two cups for a half hour miraculously they disappeared I started taking magnesium I take three a day which help me it will be a year since im on them really help I will get a rare occasional palp but nothing like it was just another wonderful symptom ughhhh so annoying it made my anxiety go thru the roof and I wasn’t giving up caffeine still have it and I’m doing ok

  • Posted

    Have you been checked for hypothyroidism? Palpations can be a symptom.
  • Posted

    Thanks for all your replies. Doc just phoned, kidney function test came back abnormal. Gfr very low. Worried about kidney disease causing heart flutters. Now I'm so worried. Would have taken menopause any day. Thanks again 

  • Posted

    Hi Andipandi, yes me too get them regular been getting them 8 years now on and off, anybody say anything sets them off, I wish they will stop,makes me anxious and un relax can't settle everyday same o same o which we all feel better soon.

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