Heart symptoms

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Hi,Im suffering from heart symptoms onband off for 12 years,Im 30 now and i did echo dr told me my heart is ok.I did my last echo last year.but last night i watched a clip about heart diseases and now my heart symptoms are coming back,i have chest and left arm pain.Im thinking again that i have heart failure.I have some questions,i know all symptoms are because of our anxiety but i have some symptoms dat makes me freaking out.Do you have chest pain when u run or work out?im thinking maybe the device of echo was not working well, i did echo many times all were good but i dont understand why i feel chest pain when i want to work out is it just my mind or do i have really heart failure?

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2 Replies

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    sounds like your heart has been checked out more than once. If there was something wrong they would have seen it.

    Did you ever ask the doctor why are you get chest pain when you work out? if not I would do that. there must be a reasonable explanation that is not related to your heart. I know that some people get severe muscle pain that can radiate.

    you don’t have heart failure. You are way too young for that. It could even be anxiety because I know that can cause chest and arm pain.

    when I work out, my heart often skips beats. I had all the testing also but everything was normal. My skipped beats are from anxiety because I can also get them when I’m not working out. If I think about it all the time it can get worse.

    you May never be able to relax if you don’t get some answers so my suggestion is to talk to the doctor again and write down questions you have. If it makes you feel comfortable, you can get a second opinion. I think you’re gonna be OK but just for your peace of mind go ahead and ask those questions!

  • Posted

    I experienced all of the symptoms you mentioned and also had echo stress and Holter monitor and also went back to the ER and they did blood work and ECG all normal. I have seen several doctors and they all say anxiety i even sometimes experience tightness sensations and choking in throat and numbness in arms and legs and feel off balance not sure if you experience this, i was afraid i have something neurological causing all this but my family doctor and ER doctors told me its not , that's it anxiety. I honestly find it hard to believe anxiety causes all of this. Do you take any medication for anxiety?

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