
Posted , 9 users are following.

Im not sure how to describe this but does anyone feel heart beating so fast and hard that you can feel it in other parts of your body? I can sometimes feel a strong pulse in my back or tummy I feel like my heart is echoing. I think thats the reason I dont sleep at night either because I behan to feel nervous and anxious.Im sorry I know this is weird but has anyone felt tjis before?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, and when I would take my BP my machine would show that my heart rate was always about 99. Even when getting up in the morning! That has resolved but it was like that for a long time when I was going thru the worse of it. My BP was always very low though and I never ever had a normal temperature, really low, like 96 most of the time. Even though I thought I was dying from some flu.

    • Posted

      this is just like me, i always have a low temp and high heart rate

  • Posted

    Yes, like every other symptom, it comes and goes. I feel my own pulse in the head, neck and back when it appears.

  • Posted

    Thank you Ladies !! God bless you:)

  • Posted

    hi grace yeah i too have this along with all the other symptoms drives me nuts your not alone hun sending hugs xx

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