Heartbeat during perimenopause
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Why is it since being in perimenopause I am so aware of my heartbeat??? Literally just laying in bed I am aware of it's beating and worried if it's beating too fast, to slow, skipping beats etc....
I hate being a woman 😦
5 likes, 12 replies
caroline76614 klm1213
I have the exact same, felt my heart was beating too fast , especially at night, also skips beats. Went to docs , and he had an ecg done to put my mind at rest. Try not to worry , its a common symptom, but if you cant stop worrying about it, go to docs so you can be reasured . Its crap being a woman sometimes X
sharcerv52408 klm1213
Yes I get this too. It can be so nerve-racking. I feel it when I'm sitting, standing, lying down, etc. It sets my anxiety into a tailspin. This is one symptom among others that I will not miss.
jane66356 klm1213
That was me last night at 2 am...woke to a racing heart...it was up to 138 bpm. I hate it! I was given beta-blockers for this from a cardiologist. I had a 48 hr holter montior - my heart was fine. I only take the beta-blocker whenever I have an episode. I was to take them all the time but don't. It takes a while, maybe an hour to kick in. I just breath deep until it slows or until the beta blocker kicks in ..
I really hate this too! It only happens while I'm sleeping. It got better while I was taking melatonin. I need to start taking that again.
Here's from the Cleveland Clinic website on abnormal heart beats:
**During perimenopause (the time period before menopause), there is a marked decrease in ovarian estrogen production. This is associated with an increase in heart rate (sinus tachycardia) and an increased frequency in palpitations and non-threatening arrhythmias, such as premature ventricular contractions or PVCs.
Menopause causes a further decline in estrogen as the menstrual cycle stops. This time period is associated with irregular heart beats, palpitations, spasmodic chest pain and nightmares in women 40 -64 years old².
laurie19311 jane66356
Thank you for sharing!
klm1213 jane66356
Thank you for posting this! 🤗
laurie19311 klm1213
Yes, I definitely get that! It skips, beats fast, does somersaults and everything else, lol! It does come in spurts for me. I will have a time where it is fine, then will have it for weeks or months at a time. I have also noticed when my heartburn/gerd is acting up that it is worse. Just know that there a lot of women who have this. It is very unpleasant, especially when you are laying down and trying to rest. I try to get my mind off it (which I know is not easy) and it does help sometimes. Try to hang in there! Thinking of you!
klm1213 laurie19311
Thank you so much 😃 I hate that other women are going through this too but it is such a relief I'm not alone 😊
sharcerv52408 laurie19311
I also notice it more when my heartburn is on the rise. My GP told me that what I was actually feeling was stomach related and not my heart after she ran some heart tests. I feel it sometimes after I eat something that triggers my heartburn.
jo67532 klm1213
I know! I am constantly checking my heart rate on my watch the second i feel it's a little fast or skips a beat. It seems like the anxiety kicks in as soon as I start checking and I can see it steadily race upward. I'm glad I'm not alone in this, but hope it gets better for us all!
Joseanne Henry
jane66356 jo67532
Best not to keep checking your heart rate on your watch 😃 I know I had been doing that and it would make me anxious and make it worse. I will check it once I know it's at top speed 😃 Then I pop the beta-blocker and start the deep breathing, praying, meditation. I try to focus away from the rapid heart rate. Just keep telling myself it will slow and everything will be fine.
jjj0001 klm1213
klm1213 ~ I don't know if I'm in perimenopause or menopause (I'm still on the pill) but I'm 50 and now have high blood pressure. My heart races and I know exactly what you mean about being aware of it beating. You might consider seeing your doctor and getting your blood pressure checked, just to be safe. Take care.
michelle96838 klm1213
I'm getting palpations , not sure if I'm starting the menopause because I have the marina coil and have not had a period for months , I've had palpations off and on everyday for over a week , very scary and then I feel anxious .