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hello everyone. been a while since i was last on the forum. But i need some answers. A month or so ago i went cold turkey on anti-anxiety medication. I had been on it for a little over 2 years. A week or so after i stopped taking my meds i developed horrible heartburn, nausea, and diarrhoea. went to my GP and he said he suspected a stomach flu. i was also experiencing dizziness, electric like zaps in my head, and confusion. the gp put me on some antibiotic and anti diarrhoea meds. A week later, i still was getting no better, and wa dehydrated. i was rushed to the ER where a upon hearing that id quit my meds the er doctor then said i could be suffering withdrawal symptoms from the meds. Its been a month, and the heartburn and diarhea persist. and today i had a series of panic attacks and have even been contemplating going back on the meds. sorry for the long write up, but my question is has anyone ever experienced antidepressant withdrawal sympstoms? what were they? and how long did they last? by the way, my doctor had been the one to take me off my meds upon my telling her we wanted to try for a baby.

thank you.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Fattis, there could be a couple of different things going on here, food possibly being a big contributor. But definitely adding more meds and antibiotics to your system can cause more stomach issues i.e. heartburn, nausea, etc. Sometimes as a quick cure when i personally experience heartburn is water with baking soda, drinking it within a fairly short time, ideally 30 mins, I am symptom free. I have seen patients that had antidepressant withdrawals but known like the ones you are experiencing they more did not have an appetite.

  • Posted

    do you feel shivering in hands, weary and fast heartbeat after having a heavy meal?

    • Posted

      yes. i have shaky hands and a fast beating heart, but not necesarrily after food.

    • Posted

      if so, then cut out carbohydrates (potatoes and other starchy food) from your diet. a long with it, refrain from red pepper for 3 to 5 days as it also multiplies the carbohydrates of every food. this results in severe fatigue after each meal. hope this helps. best wishes.. i also had the symptoms then i searched a lot on the internet and now i got the answer. now i am fully fine from the time i left carbs...

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