heat intolerance

Posted , 6 users are following.

I live in a country where during the summer,  the weather is really hot and humid!

?Last summer, it was the worst of my life.

?I couldn't tolerate the scorching hot and humid weather of my country. Neither at my home neither outside!

I remember that I was on the beach and my joints and bones hurt so much while  I was sunbathing and I was sitting most of the time under the umbrella or the trees.

?I have also noticed that my knees are stiff when I am having a hot shower.

?Is there anyone with heat intolerance? It seems that when the temperature rises above 30 Celsius degrees I cannot move my legs comfortably...My joints are so stiff.


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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I feel like the hot water makes my joints feel better. I sit in my spa and boil myself. I don't think it helps the burning feet though. 


  • Posted

    Yes I have sore stiff joints all over and can't tolerate the heat no way would I want to sunbathe or be in a hot climate for now been 2 years for me. My whole body is a mess due to menopause .

  • Posted

    Hi evi, I also suffer heat intolerance and I start to get identical symptoms to you, and I live by the south coast of UK. I only need to see the weather forecast say the temperature is going up to the mid to late 20s and I know I'm going to ache all over, muscles,joints and head. It's horrid! I have had to buy a portable air conditioner to keep cool in the summer, if I have to go out, I have to put factor 50 on, a hat and dark glasses, and wear long sleeved, loose, natural materials, clothing wise. It is a nightmare, but follow similar precautions to me and you might find it helps. X

  • Posted

    Hi Evi

    I used to live in Greece so know the weather probs.

    Are you on HRT? If not you may benefit from it, if you are maybe you need your hormones re checking and a change of hrt?

    Im cold intolerant with achey joints so hot weather is tolerable.

    Get a hormone check could be something like thyroid prob?

    Good luck x

    • Posted

      Hello ( ?e?a s?? ) Jane,

      I live in Greece..

      ?No I am not on any HRT, I am going to see my gyno soon to discuss this option. 

      ?I have many hypothyroid symptoms  but I have checked my thyroid many times and everything was ok. 

      ?As it seems, there are a lot of similar symptoms between thyroid and perimenopause condition.


      Generally speaking, I cannot tolerate extreme weather temperatures, neither too hot nor too cold.

      To be honest, now as the summer approaches, I am more anxiousrolleyes


      I think that humidity is the culprit which really causes my joints' stiffness


      I hope to find sth to help me with all of my symptoms because they are uncountable 

      I create this discussion in order to be ensured that it is another symptom of hormonal mess and not another syndrome...

      ?Doctors are often mistrustful and skeptical about the severity and the intensity of the symptoms.


      Thank you 


    • Posted

      Yeia sou fili mou!

      Maybe its time for some HRT! I started hrt in perimenopause stage which helped alot.

      After I finished my periods completely I changed the hrt to another type called Tibolone this was the best move ever.

      I hope you get a good gynae doctor who will try you with some hrt that suits you and maybe settle some of those symptons.

      Na sti kala!

    • Posted

      The weird thing is that I still have regular period every 28 days.

      Although,  I have noticed changes on the flow, Namely, I have normal flow the first 2 days and then on 3,4 and 5 day I am spotting. Many times I feel I am ovulating earlier than midcycle. I have felt ovulation exactly after the end of period, on 6 to 9 day of the cycle.

      ?During the whole month I am experiencing severe peri symptoms on daily basis. There are only a few days I feel symptom free. I miss my old self so much. The quality of my life is awful.

      I need some treatment if it is feasible at this phase. I am tired of this condition! It's been 2 years and since 2012 I am experiencing PMDD before my period. 

      I am glad you find the appropriate medication to this hormonal hell!

      ?Na eisaste kala! wink

  • Posted

    Im in my 6th year of peri. I live in Canada, right now it is spring and not too hot yet, but its getting close, I'm dreading summer ( sounds weird as everyone else can't wait for summer and I used to love summer) where I live summer can be very humid at times. I don't get joint pain but the heat makes me cranky, dizzy spells and sick to my stomach, last summer was bad. I have hot flashes in the winter but atleast I can get cold air very easily. The only time I enjoy summer is if I'm in a pool or in the water at the beach, other than that I have to garden first thing in the morning and hide in the house the rest of the day, getting in the car after work until the air conditioner kicks in kills me. I'm sure I'm the only Canadian that can't wait until next fall...that's when I feel the best.

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