Heat Intolerance
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Hello Ladies,
Does anybody experience burning when the sun hits there skin been to so many drs. and still going. i am seeing Neurologists and they are trying to figure out whats going on. Also this burning can continue on the top of my feet and legs and back as well as elbows and sometimes when I am cold as well. I also get numbness and Tingling Symptoms as well!!! I am going crazy with this!!! I am being checked for Nerve Damage as well....Please if you are having similiar symptoms please let me know.
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Theeamazon Shana_P
i had all of them until i started ht.
Shana_P Theeamazon
Really??? I am scared to death of what's going on. I am only 43 and I have been in an out of Hospitals And Neurologists Trying to figure it out!!! Can you tell me more about your exact symptoms?
Theeamazon Shana_P
i get burning skin and to the core coldness. I get tingling in my feet shins legs and hands. its from lowering estrogen levels.
Shana_P Theeamazon
Wow....glad to know I am not the only one. I have burning on my back and if I do get cold I get the chills with burning at the same time.....I feel like my whole body has changed temperature wise...I have always been person thats cold all the time to now burning skin and totally opposite!!Its crazy!!!
debra16694 Shana_P
HI shana - yep! i have it - i get the burning on the core of my back, nape of my neck, chest, tops of my feet, front of my shins, forearms. i have even felt burning in my stomach. i also have tingling in my fingers/hands & electrical zapping & even a vibrating feeling thruout my body. The difference is, i got these symptoms in post menopause, not peri menopause, but i believe it happens when your body's estrogen is low. i have always been told i was "estrogen dominant" because i carry "extra weight" so maybe thats why i have experienced these symptoms late in this journey. Frankly, dont bother going to anymore drs, unless its someone who specializes in menopause, because most drs will think you are nuts withthese symptoms. Also, my really bad episodes tend to come on at night, when maybe estrogen levels are at their lowest (not sure why). My symptoms tend to taper as day goes on. i have dealt with this for a couple of years, but the last year has been most severe. The other night i had a bolt of electricity zap thru my chest, it literally felt like i had stuck my finger into an electrical outlet, good news it was just a zap, but the burning thing, is altogether irritating. When i didnt know what was causing it it made me so anxious, which i dont think helped the sensation. I am still paying on a $5,000 ER visit (after insurance) from my burning episodes, so I know how crazy this sensation is and the anxiety it causes. i just think our nervous system gets compromised in this whole process, so i try to take really good stress B VITAMINS & do a lot of self care like massages when i can - & I do pray everyday that it goes away & is not a chronic symptom. Be well
Thank You So Much for your Response!!! I am going to 2 different Neurologists over this!!!! They think its something wrong with the nerves. I have been beside myself!!! I don't react to the cold like I use too. I am able to walk outside with npt getting cold and not bundling up...I am wondering if this happens to other women? All my life freezing to not reacting anymore!!! Its mind boggling!!! I have so many dr. and hospital bills because of this!!! I only way like 113lbs and I am 43 not sure if its a normal time to be having perimenopause symptoms
Guest Shana_P
hi shana! I am very small too...110 lbs ...41...I swear this is partially why my symptoms are so bad. I do not get burning skin like you. I seem to have developed raynauds last year...the blood vessels in my fingers and feet over react to cold temps...turn white, then bright red and tingly. I supposedly do not have any auto immune issues. So many weird things in peri. Good luck at the neuro. I am seeing a vestibular neuro in a couple days. Fatigue and dizziness 24/7 and migraines. So over all this!
mauiblue Shana_P
Trust me its the hormones,..heat is much worse and intolerable at this time.
I stay out of it.
I used to freeze all of the time, Hated AC
Coulldnt stsnd grocery stores
now i too can be in really cold weather and im comfortable
Its the change
Dont waste your money dear
may69987 Shana_P
hi shana i am 42 and i started having the burning sensation since last year specially in my shine , i use to go out in very cold days with short sometime, now i cant walk in grocery store without getting this heat and burning sensation ,, and in summer time if i wear short in hot day my thigh turn so hot and red ,i did every single test all came normal so i guess it id due to hormone imbalance