heat madness

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does anyone have this heat all the time im hot all the time its not a hot flush im just hot all the time

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I go from one extreme to the other. I'm either freezing or too hot. I'm sooooo tired too. Getting old sucks sad x
    • Posted

      not to bad in day but as soon asi have my evening  meal thats it i start to get hot on off on off for rest of the night it started 4 weeks ago i must be at the end of peri i have been at this since 36 years old im 53 now the joy of being a women, as im writing this my hubby snoring in the chair oh to be a man ha ha bless him im going to give him 10 mins then im going to set off my rape alarm and let him know what anxiety feels like oh well girls got to laugh or we will cry  
  • Posted

    Yup I get the hots all the time also then sometimes I get really cold.
  • Posted

    Yes I am always hot. My husband tells everyone I'm a human radiator lol. Great in the winter but not much fun in summer. Sometimes I have a cold water bottle. My family thinks it's hilarious
  • Posted

    Hi Karen,

    It's the main reason I asked to try HRT. I only ever had 3 or 4 hot flushes. About 2 years before my periods stopped I found I was so hot after my bath in the evening and most of the night improved from 430am and back every night.

    Then about a year after they stopped hot for days (never sweated) in the end I was just left permanently hot.

    Having always been an ice queen and never feeling happily warm until mid summer you would think it was desirable but it was horrible.

    Most noticeable near any heat source hated cooking and often stripped off to my bra to do so.

    Shops are always way to hot.

    The HRT sorted it out within the first week, sometimes I actually feel cold again.

    My daughter who is always cold said she thought that would be great. I would have thought it as well if someone had said it when I was her age. But if you have it like I did I'm sure you will agree when I say it's a different sort of hot.

    • Posted

      thats it a different kind of hot not like hot flushes i have had about 10 hot flushes in my 17 years in peri i have been lucky then out of the blue 4 weeks ago hot all the time i have only missed one period this month so i was thinking it had something to do with that  we will see x
  • Posted

    Yes, I have that.  It comes and goes.  I very rarely have hot flashes but will have periods where I feel like my internal bod temperature is raised a few degrees.  Of course, whe I take my temperature it's normal. It seems to occur more often in late afternoon or evening and can last from a few hours or until I go to sleep.

    When I get this feeling of raised temperature I sometimes will feel anxious and shaky inside.  I take thyroid medication and thought maybe my thyroid levels had something to do with it because these are symptoms of hyper thyroid, and when one hormone is out of whack it can affect another.  My thyroid levels are ok now but I think it's a good idea to have the levels checked a bit more frequently during peri menopause if one has thyroid issues.

  • Posted

    yes have that most of the time, dont have night sweats or hot flushes, sometimes though i go very cold as well, just make sure you drink lots of water when your hot otherwise were at risk of dehydrating, particularly when we sleep, keep water by your bed.


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