Heath anxiety leg numb

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i am 18 and have chronic health anxiety and keep thinking i have every condition under the sun.

at the minute i think i have a brain tumour. ive had visual disturbances and went to the eye doctor and nothing was wrong. i have a very mild on and off head ache as well. my gp said that its highly unlikely that i have one. and currently i have tingling/numbness in my left leg. ive had this for a couple of hours and its scaring me beyond belief.

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    I have the same feeling in my right foot right now. A slight numb feeling. And pressure on the top of my head. With ringing in my left ear. I have to intentionally relax my mind or else it will go off and fear will take over.

    I remind myself that these are also anxiety symptoms. Try to relax your mind as much as you can.

    I did have similar symptoms when all this began in my 20s. all due to anxiety and stress. Chances are that’s what’s happening with you. If you go to YouTube and look up therapy in a nutshell, there are some excellent videos on there and could be very helpful for you. Relax and take care

  • Posted

    Hi - I can empathize with what you are feeling. I too have a continuous headache for almost a week now, pressure behind by eyes and in my forehead - sometimes on the top and back of my head. I feel like I'm in a fog and the vision on my right side seems as though it's not as strong. I have shiny floaters in my vision and it's very depressing and exhausting, isn't it?

    I have also convinced myself that the cause is a brain tumor, despite the odds being so low. I don't have a solution of course, since I'm still seeking one myself. But I wanted to say, you aren't alone. I truly hope we find a way to move ahead and feel better soon.

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