heaviness in chest
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Has anyone experienced having the feeling like it's a little hard to breath. You feel like there is a heavy feeling in between your breasts? I get this sometimes during my cycle not a constant phenomenon.
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annieschaefer sharcerv52408
Wouldn't hurt for you to have your doc clear you first and put you at ease that you are experiencing what many of us have during this "lovely" time.
Annie xx
debbie12340 annieschaefer
Hope you don't mind me asking what kind of symptoms you get from Anxiety ? And do you take anything for it ? I have it too and find it hard to believe it's a Peri symptom ? I'm 48 and still having periods sometimes irregular 😔 I feel like I've gone mad overnight I hate everything and struggle just to get out of bed !!
Deb x
annieschaefer debbie12340
My symptoms had varied from a heaviness/tightness in chest full blown had to run out of the house (it's really odd, if I am in the house had to go outside and visa versa-lol! makes no sense) and somehow catch my breath. My mind would simply race at times, thankfully these did not all occur together. Weird feelings would overwhelm me at times like a rush of an odd energy where I couldn't sit still to save my soul-seriously-the deep breathing really helps out tremedously and focusing on something else is key. I've even had prickly sensations, just a whole box of irregular sensations and feelings that made me convinced I was for sure losing my mind. I finally got a medical check up and yes, initially the doc thought it would be a great idea to try some Anti Depressants. They simply didn't work for me and believe me, I did give it some time.
At that point I was simply waking up in an anxious state first thing I would notice is that my legs felt like they were high charged rubber. Felt horrible really. So I started getting up and moving, walking and then started with some Yoga classes, which have been very helpful.
I also got some mp3s for relaxation from a really comforting fellow from Scotland that will actually help calm me down. I look forward to those moments I can sit back, pop the ear pieces in and grab a few minutes of deep relaxation!
I know how you feel, it's like someone flipped a switch and overnight we have changed. I want my old self back!
Do know you can do a few things to help alleviate some of the uncomfortable feelings and that does give you a sense of empowerment and weakens the cycle of anxiety somewhat.
Amazing what our bodies can make us feel like, but also amazing how we can lessen some of those pesky moments, once we learn to not freak out everytime they happen (and no easy feat in the beginning!)
Now I did lean towards being anxious prior to the Peri kicking in, but believe me it was made worse once it kicked in, especially prior to my monthly visits........the PMS times makes it way worse now. as unpredictable when those times are actually going to occur anymore! Yikes.
Do try some of the supplements that Jay has mentioned on other posts the B6 150 mg, B 12, magnesium and others. I also take Omega Fish oil, which seems to help with the inflammation and achy body(a whole other post for that one, indeed!). And do take up some form of walking or activity to burn off some of this anxiety. I first I thought it was a nutty idea and I didn't haven the ambition to try it, but once I did and saw the results, I am a believer and receipent of better emotional health!
I wish you much success in conquering some of the ugly feelings this anxiety gives us and believe me, you can lessen them so getting out of bed won't seen such a struggle. I was there and know how hopeless it can make us feel. Wishing you the best!
Annie xx
debbie12340 annieschaefer
Firstly thnak you for such a kind and informative reply 🙏 I can totally relate to pretty much all you said 😢.
Yes stop fighting it I think is the key ! Easier said than done though when the symptoms feel so overwhelming . . . Yes have started some of the vitmains so will see how that goes. I hope you are feeling a lot better now 🙏 take care sweetheart and thanks again Deb xx
michelle46271 annieschaefer
I know this post is a year ago but this answer was very helpful to me. Thank goodness for this site
debbie03785 sharcerv52408
annieschaefer sharcerv52408
Hugs to you!
sharcerv52408 annieschaefer
jan22884 sharcerv52408
Take care
debbie12340 jan22884
Hope you don't mind me joining in ? Do you mean your Mom had anxiety during the menopause ? I seem to have it really bad ! I find it hard to believe that's the cause ?
Thank you Deb x
jan22884 debbie12340
Yes, my mum had severe anxiety during her menopause, so much so that she thought she was having a heart attack and had to go to hospital (on several occasions). This was when i was a lot younger so I don't remember it. But she said that was the one thing that has stood out for her during her menopause. Its amazing what can happen to your body with anxiety. About 15 years ago I suffered from severe anxiety attacks and couldn't believe the amount of physical symptoms which I used to get. Tightness in the chest, and thinking you can't breathe are very common. I also used to get numbness through my whole body and feeling like I could pass out. It might be worth chatting to your doctor about your symptoms but knowing that this is probably anxiety may help you to deal with it.
Hope this helps
debbie12340 jan22884
Thank you for your reply 🙏 for me the worst part is worrying about having the physical symptoms ! Not because I think there's something wrong with me, just because I don't like them (who would?) for some reason I seem to feel like this now about any type of appointment I have !! Very frustrating . . . Like a vicious cycle
Deb x
sharcerv52408 jan22884
klvb1162 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 klvb1162