Heavy arms and legs

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My arms and legs have felt heavy and weak for the past couple of days. Especially my left arm. It's doesn't really feel numb, just weak and almost like how restless leg syndrome feels, but in my arm. That's the best way i can describe it. Does anyone else experience this? 

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8 Replies

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    Me!!! In my right arm. For 3 months!!! I'm going to a chiropractor and I have doubled up on my d3. I think it's getting a little better. My right leg gets the feeling a little too but not as bad. It has definitely caused me health anxiety. Also, sometimes it switches to my left arm but mostly my right arm. I'm only 41 so I don't know if I am in perimenopause or not.

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    YES YES YES!! Scares me because of every disease it can go alone with! I also have this in my leg!
  • Posted

    Thanks so much for responding! It makes me feel so much better knowing I'm not alone and that we most likely don't have a chronic disease. (Although perimenopause does feel like one) 

    Kelle- i am only turning 38 in January and i truly believe I'm in peri. I have way too many of the strange symptoms that are listed on this blog. I'm also going to get my thyroid checked because i believe i have a lot of those symptoms as well. I heard the symptoms of perimenopause and thyroid problems can mimmick each other. All i know is that i can't suffer like this for much longer.....especially the health anxiety that has came out of nowhere and slapped me right in the face. I just want to be "normal" again and enjoy the time with my family instead of worrying all the time. We will get through this. And this blog helps a lot. 

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      Thyroid symptoms definitely sound a lot like what I see on the perimenopause boards but I got mine checked and it was fine. I was actually disappointed it was normal.
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    I have had health Anxiety for years now. It all started when my palpitations started. I hate it so much! I get dizzy and lightheaded and my anxiety kicks in. It sucks getting older and going through the changes. Would love to be worry free again. I am right with you ladies!
  • Posted

    Help! My legs feel extremely heavy and weak. They ache and are having little spasms. Especially in the calves. It almost feels like air bubbles popping under my skin. It's freaking me out. Anyone else get this 

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      I forgot to add that i am extremely tired today. Like can't get out of bed kind of tired. I've never felt like this before. 

  • Posted

    Hi Kellys I use to feel weak myself and on top of that I lost weight around the knees at the side it's all sink in have not heard anyone with this..it's like the weight they disappear how strange..anyway I can walk,  haven't had the heavy legs or arms I had the heavy head when getting up in the morning..hormones ain't nice.

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