heavy bleeding
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I'm 45 and I have been bleeding for almost four months periods of really heavy bleeding with large clots I have lower abdominal pain radiating from my lower back to front I do not have health insurance I'm very worried that it may be something serious can someone please tell me what this can be
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Gizmo1963 anamaria39314
jennifer01077 Gizmo1963
anamaria39314 jennifer01077
jennifer01077 anamaria39314
Of course, if you can, gather some money together and go see a doctor. If it is thyroid problems, I don't know anything about it, except sweet potatoes? eating sweet potatoes, yams is supposed to help. But you can ask the doctor to do a thyroid check, a blood check, and an ultrasound of your uterus. Maybe you can phone ahead and ask the cost.
But still, don't panic. At your age, it's probably hormones. Think about eating liver a lot, grape juice, anything with iron in it. And drink a lot of water.
jennifer01077 anamaria39314
First, I am so sorry about your situation. It is hard to be without medical insurance, and it is hard to deal with such heavy bleeding.
However, the good news is, I don't think (can't say for sure) it is not a serious medical problem. It is probably hormonally related, due to your age and approaching menopause. I don't think you need to be worried.
I had very heavy periods especially from the age of 45 to 50, with tremendous clots. It was very inconvenient in terms of working and dealing with it. I am a teacher and had to change tampons and pads between every class.
When I first read your email, I thought you said you had a period for four months, but that's not right is it? You've had heavy periods for four months.
OK, so relax, I really doubt if there is anything wrong. But you still have the problem of the heavy bleeding. It will make the iron in your blood get very low. So use iron supplements if you can afford them, and eat iron rich food. The good news is a very cheap food is very high in iron: beef liver.
Honey, I was off medical insurance for years, so I really understand your panicky feeling. I am guessing you are living in America? So maybe you can get on Obamacare. . . I myself was off health insurance because I was so disorganized, and I was disorganized because I had depression. Once I got on meds for depression, I slowly got organized about all my finances. But I live in Japan, with national health coverage. I don't know clearly about your situation.
Certainly you can google your symptoms and get good medical information. For instance, I just googled 'heavy prolonged period period with clots' to double check, and I got the CDC website http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/blooddisorders/women/menorrhagia.html
Doctos call heavy bleeding menorrhagia. I wanted to double check my own knowledge, and whether it was worth it for you to have a doctor's check.
You probably don't need to, and the doctors probably can't find out specifically what's causing the bleeding. You probably have uterine fibroids, but almost half of women do have them. You have two hormones that control the period cycle, estrogen and progesterone, and during perimenopause (the time around menopause) they are falling. If the progesterone falls faster than the estrogen, you will get heavier periods. It is not uncommon.
If it becomes too much to handle, you can two things, as far as I know: you can go on the Pill (which I think you can get at a free clinic in some places) or you can take tranxemic acid, which I think you'd need a prescription for. If you are near the Mexican border, you might be able to find it over the counter in Mexico. Of course I am not a doctor, and I can't say with complete authority.
I feel for you, hon. But I am sure you can handle this. Our ancestors did!!
Best wishes to you.
jennifer01077 anamaria39314
mel64317 anamaria39314
You really need to see a doctor and sooner rather than later sweetie, bleeding as you are is exhausting......and I hate to think what your Iron levels are....but you can't just randomly self treat this.... Fibroids, Hormone imbalance springs to mind......but without a proper examination there is no way to know..
if you have no health insurance, there are schemes in all countries where you need it so that you CAN see a doctor and get help.....please do this for yourself Anamaria, and hopefully be better soon.
All the very best to you.
M 💕
rayna86380 anamaria39314
donna38794 anamaria39314
natalie86711 anamaria39314