Heavy bleeding, and no clots or cramps?
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Hello! I found this group after using the dreaded Dr. Google. To avoid finding out that I'm dying of various things I looked for forums instead.
I have been having peri symptoms for a couple of years. I'm 44. During those years my periods have extended to as much as 40 days until this April whereafter I skipped a month and then this month I am bleeding again but the blood is horrendously heavy with no clots. I am feeling okay as I already take floradix for iron help. ( wow, it took me over five minutes to remember the name of that and then I had to give in and google. My mind went totally blank, another symptom!)
Seeing as I am only on my second day of the horrendous bleed I haven't run to the doctor yet but will next week if it continues. I have read a lot of women talk about heavy bleeding with clots, but I don't have the clots and it's not like my normal period. Of course this happens right near a weekend. Anyone else have the same? It's quite unnerving seeing this blood and I am scared!
My other symptoms are moody swings, crazy rages, depression, anxiety, swollen glands (will get that checked for thyroid), sleeping too much to not enough sleep, no libido, dry eyes, sore boobs, backache, 'not quite on this planet' feelings, some hot flashes, palpitations in early morning, panic feelings for food, boredom, forgetfulness, avoiding everything, fear....blah...the list goes on.
Thanks for letting me vent, and hello!
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gailannie sabrina1971
Ya, isn't perimeno fun???
I had many experiences like you have described. My periods became erratic, very unlike the normal 28 day cycle I had my whole life. The longest I bleed was 10 solid days. Then the next month it would hardly be anything.
Also had the forgetfulness and very poor sleep. Not to mention drenching night sweats and hot flashes.
I did try bioidentical hormone replacement, which was the worst thing I could have done at the time. Your hormones are bouncing around all over the place. So what might make you feel better one day, is way too much the next. Or at least that was my experience.
It was another 10 years before my periods stopped and I was menopausal. However in perimenopause, that bumpy ride did calm down.
In my humble opinion, I'd suggest you do keep a journal, tracking your cycles and symptoms. Rest as much as you can, eat a really good diet, try to get long night of sleep, drink plenty of water and take a good vitamin. Do everything you can to help your body calm down a bit.
I know it's a little scary, but this is very normal for this part of life.
sabrina1971 gailannie
sara17045 sabrina1971
blimey that last paragraph sums me up right now.
I hate it, and it feels like it's controlling my life right now.
im now in my second week of bleeding this has never happened before but I'm at the right age for this stuff now.
feel incredibly tired very forgetful hair falling out and dry skin. Bit of a mess mentally and physically. My mum passed away 6 months ago too which we'll I don't know makes me feel so sad it feels harder to cope with stuff .
sabrina1971 sara17045
Is this your first unusual bleeding cycle? It is mine, and blimey, what the heck is going on?! It's insane!
I'm sorry about your mum. Grieving with all the peri symptoms going on must be incredibly difficult.
sara17045 sabrina1971
ha just wanted to say whe I was younger I longed to be called Sabrina! I think after one of Charlie's angels😄 I love that name !!
yes this is my first unusual bleed and it's still going strong, there seems no letup to it a aargh. Strong period pains too, generally just feel awful, my mum had an hysterectomy too when sh was in her forties.
I too will start a health regime I need to knock this comfort eating on the head.
six months before mum died I started dieting and I lost three stone, mum encouraged me to no end and was so supportive then sh died suddenly and I've put on a stone through eating for comfort thus adds to my stress.
need to get a grip I'm in charge of my destiny. Sorry I've wandered off the beaten track here. Good luck Sabrina 😊
sabrina1971 sara17045
Good for you shifting so much weight. I have gained a huge amount in the past couple of years and it feels like it's impossible to lose it lately. Another symptom! You had a lot on your plate so don't beat yourself up too much.
jennifer01077 sabrina1971
I just wanted to mention there is a pill called tranexamic acid that will stop the heavy bleeding.
I found it makes me depressed, so I stopped using it. But you could try it, if your doctor is agreeable.
I also found if my iron gets low, I get depressed, so I am planning to get my blood checked once a month for a while.
I use progesterone cream as well. I have a large progesterone deficiency from way back.
I don't drink alcohol, caffeine, sugar (mostly), even chocolate. All these things really help.
Good luck to you. I think a lot of these symptoms can even out, although it is a case by case thing.
A lot of people take menopace, and b vitamins, as well as magnesium? I think?
Good luck to you!
sabrina1971 jennifer01077
Thanks for all the tips. I keep telling myself I don't want to end up on drugs to deal with everything, but I guess at some point it's the only option. I remember reading about progesterone cream years ago and will revisit that. The b12 really helps my nerves, but I am still quick off the mark at going nuts over things if it all gets too much! A good point about iron deficiency that I did not know about. I will be hyper aware of it. Thank you!