Heavy Bleeding/Flooding.. any help appreciated
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Im no stranger to these forums... its about saved my sanity these last 18 months. Ive experienced pretty much every symptom and another 20 or so not on the list. As many of you lovely ladies have also.
My current situation is this... Ive gone 4 months without a period.. not for the first time this has happened . Ive had really irregular periods/extra periods ets for almost 2 years now so im pretty much in the final throws of peri. When i missed 3 months before i got what i called a normal period (heavy but manageable) then bled again 10 days later.. again normal for me. This time is different.. first 24 hour hardly anything.. then started cramping.. had about 12 hours of what i call normal heavy period.. then world war three has broken out. Despite 2 jumbo tampax and a large night time pad i woke today in a scene from a shark attack Im having to change my jumbo pads every hour and they are soaked. I guess im wondering how you all cope ho have the same issues. Ive ordered some large washable and disposable pads for my bed, luckily i sleep on my own so that not an issue.
Have you ladies any tips with coping.. things that have worked etc. Im aware that flooding is quite common at this time just need to hear if there is anything that can help.
1 like, 16 replies
toffeecushion littleme1969
I have had this as well, it's awful isn't it. I found that Tena Lady incontinence pads were the best thing. The ones I used were quite thick and felt strange at first but I never leaked once while wearing them.
littleme1969 toffeecushion
chrisann144 littleme1969
littleme1969 chrisann144
katyD211 chrisann144
Lol! You made me laugh with your comment about feeling like you're about to give birth...that's exactly what I've said to my friends!
And I agree about the ibuprofen slowing down the flow...it works.
chrisann144 katyD211
lena53512 littleme1969
waterproof and reliable. Of course I could not wear trousers with them. I was so ashamed buying this, it is a local store and everybody knows everybody, but the pads really saved me. I do not write the brand, I live in Central Europe , but similar items are everywhere, I hope.
littleme1969 lena53512
amanda59745 littleme1969
littleme1969 amanda59745
amanda59745 littleme1969
chrisann144 littleme1969
tina00239 littleme1969
I use the most absorbent tampons I can get, sometimes 2 at a time. I am incontinent aswell due to this wonderful process and I find when I bleed really badly the incontinence pants and a bedpad deal with the problem. I get massive clots and evil cramps along with bleeding that always makes me anaemic and only some kind of hormone treatment can actually bring it under control and stop it but you can't take it constantly you have to have a break and a bleed at some point. Hope this helps. XXX
sarah39816 littleme1969
Hi, Littleme,
Let me just start by saying you are describing me exactly. In fact, I am lying in bed right now because I'm on day 10 of a period that was personally delivered by Satan himself. I am 47 and have been in peri for about 5 years now, but was officially told by my doc this year (after many tests) that I was definitely perimenopausal. My cycles have been bizarre throughout this whole process, but seem to be worse when I've missed several periods in a row. Up until 5 years ago my period was like clockwork--every 24 days. Right now I'm having a period after not having one for nearly 90 days--the longest I've ever gone without a period. My periods have gotten father apart for the most part, but last time I had one it was only 17 days from the last. When I go several cycles without a period, I usually have a very, very heavy period that lasts much longer than usual. It's so frustrating. I stand up and flood out. I am changing pads multiple times an hour. I don't like to leave the house because I worry about leaking through my pad or not being able to get to the restroom in time!
I have bioidentical hormones that my doc prescribed to help with the symptoms, but I've been trying to just let this run it's course naturally. I've been trying to manage the heavy bleeding with taking my prescribed iron, adrenal supplements and taking ibuprofen (although I have acid reflux disease and try to limit the ibuprofen because that can be very hard on the stomach), using cold compresses on my belly and drinking lots of water--and trying to keep positive thoughts through all of this. I read the posts from the other lovely ladies on this site and remind myself that I am not alone. It definitely makes me feel better. I know this will pass and that it will get better.
I wanted to write and let you know you are not alone and that you will get through this, too! The endless horrible symptoms of peri/menopause are wicked and until it started happening to me I had no idea what to expect. Hang in there! Please let me know how you're getting on. Big hugs--Sarah
littleme1969 sarah39816
You sound like youve been thrown everything like me.. i always smile when i see others complaining about hot flushes... im like.. oh i would love just hot flushes how lucky you are.
Im not talking any hormones at all due to the fact i have chronic illness that is hormone sensitive so it would only make that much worse.
Hope your having a good day and too overwhelmed by symptoms
sarah39816 littleme1969
Thank you, Littleme! Today was a little better, but I am still dealing with this period. It's so very frustrating. I'm just trying to keep positive thoughts and not let myself slip into a depression about all of this. I'm thankful I am not dealing with a lot of the other symptoms right now. I think I have literally had every symptom on the list at one time or another. It can be very frightening when you deal with one symptom and then another and there never seems to be rhyme or reason when they come about.
I understand completely when you say someone will comment on their random hot flash (not to minimize that symptom), I, too, think to myself--if that were the only thing I was dealing with I would be delighted!
Thank you for your kind reply. It's so nice to know that someone like me is dealing with the same problems. It's comforting.
I am sorry to hear you are dealing with a chronic illness. I do understand perimenopause can exacerbate the symptoms of any existing illness. I am sending you well wishes and hope that you are feeling better soon. XX--Sarah