Heavy Feeling on Right side and pain

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I've bee having digestion issues since the start of my perimenopause (2017) but pain has never been a symptom unit this past month. I've been having a heaviness and discomfort on the right side of my abdomen. It is more in the upper right (liver area) goes lower mid area. It can mainly be felt when I try to lay on that side. I can see intestine poking out. I also have crampy pain with in but it can be felt all over , there is no specific place. It kind of like moves around. The pain is like a cramping pain coming from the intestines. First , the issue started from being nausea and moved to pain. The pain isn't daily, sometimes its brought on by eating certain foods, especially anything with sugar or dairy. I had a food allergy test done and gut test a couple of months ago, but during this time I had no pain only bloating and constipation. The food allergies test showed a long list of foods that I'm allergic too or sensitive to.

The gut test showed that I had an overgrowth of bacteria citrobacter freundii, inflammation and a shortage of an enzyme. A month later, the symptom moved to having pain, the pain has gotten better since it started last month. I was told to take omega 3-6-9 for inflammation, and given the missing enzyme. Last week I visited my GI dr and she is sending me for a cat scan and doing more blood work. I'm freaking out about the cat scan. I have really bad health anxiety. I found out in 2017 that i have gastritis, gerd, and hiatal hernia, and possibly IBS. which was done by scope, colonoscopy, and ct scan. After I had the colonoscopy done the GI Dr said that my intestine were twisted but during this time I had no pain only the feel of heaviness, like i feel now, and constipation and bloating. I had the same issue last year around this time but with no pain. She ordered an ultrasound but nothing was found. By the time, I did the us the symptom had went away. ( It was bloating in the area then) May I add that I am going through perimenopause too, and somehow these symptoms appeared during the onset of perimenopause. The gut feel swollen inside, the discomfort decreased alot while taking the omega for inflammation but i accidental were eating ghee not knowing that it contained milk and the discomfort, and pain appeared again or if i eat just anything with a bit of sweetner in it , it will trigger it. My diet is so limited which has cause me to lose weight and can't gain back. I tried telling my new GI this but the only thing she was looking at was the fact that I've lost weight since i started coming in 2017. I have anxiety on top of all of this, feeling of depression and really bad symptoms of menopause , at this point I don't know what is contributing to what. Sorry so long.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi mary no need to apologize for talking on how you feel . Im so sorry you are feeling so bad , i will pray God touches you in a mighty way of healing .. Maybe your liver is inflamed , try a detox for your liver .. Fast for 24 to 42 hours ,drinking only water , then eat bland leafy green veggies a couple of days with only water ... After a week of the bland diet , drink 2 cups of 100% pure grapejuice ,no sugar added . Its a natural born detoxifying soother gut healer .. Dont miss your appointments ,

    • Posted

      Thank you for your prayers. I will try the fast but i lose weight so quickly. Where can i get the 100% pure grapejuice from with no sugar? Any sort of sweets whether natural or not cause pain. I think it could be from the overgrowth of bacteria because it feeds off sugar. It reacts like candida. Thank you for your suggestions.

    • Posted

      You are right Mary , if feeds off the toxins .. Pure grape juice also kills off bacteria overgrowth and candida .. You can find the juice in the frozen department of supermarket , you just add water .. Pure grapejuice also kills the nirovirus ...

  • Posted

    hi ... i will pray for your recovery as well....that cant hurt.

    if you have time check chlorella ... i am taking it with some good results. its a natural algae relatively cheap..used in Japan for centuries....

    meanwhile my sugestion would be that try to relax your mind...ct will only help to diagnose you and thebsooner the better as you can be treated.

    anxiety play a role into this as well....me thinking... warm bath and essential oils could help with that...

    i would recommend cbd oil for anxiety... i am only user and started few weeks a go.... but its working wonders..my life is changed....

    please note i am notnrelated to any of theese products...just saying what works for me...they are both not medicine butbsuplements.

    take care Mary

    • Posted

      I have tried chorella but it made me feel awful in the past because of my mercury toxicity .. its a no no for mercury toxins people. Of course, some use it to detox mercury but it only redistribute it which cause more symptoms so i stay away from it. I tried cbd oil in the past with thc, and gave me adrenaline surges. I tried some without thc but don't see a difference. But the essential oils does seem to help some alone with anxiety tinctures. Thanks for your prayers and suggestions.

    • Posted

      different brands do different effects.... try full spectrum only...

      and thank you for respond.

  • Posted

    Worry can cause weight loss too and the perimenopause can cause gastric distress.

    • Posted

      You're right about both Pippa and I've been doing alot of that lately.

    • Posted

      I can be an awful worrier too and I shudder to think how that will play out when I reach the perimenopause. I've just turned 47 and haven't got there yet.

    • Posted

      Pippa I've followed your posts and you seem to know so much and I've often wondered if you were male or female. So now I know. LOL . Peri menopause is definitely not for the weak.. It can affect the mind and the body. My symptoms have been horrible and almost daily for nearly 3 years.Its mainly affecting my digestive system, other symptoms improve from time to time but digestive can be a pain. Hopefully, you will have a smooth one.

    • Posted

      Thanks. My mum's perimenopause and menopause were quite smooth, so I am hoping I will be the same.

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