Heavy legs

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has anyone ever felt heavy feeling in the legs. i am a week before my periods, and today i am having a heavy feeling in my left leg. while walking i have to drag my left leg. is it also one of the worst perimenopause symptoms.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Morning Bind... yes I had that something awful, I am three years post menopause, but I did have that. As I've said before... I wish I would’ve kept a journal of all my symptoms and when they were, but I think that I had those symptoms when I was tapering off my period. I used to call it log legs or Jell-O legs. it is a terrible feeling, I remember when I would wake up, I would have to stomp my legs and really get the circulation going before I would get up. it is one of the most annoying symptons. talk to your pharmacist and see if there’s a supplement that can help this. also try soaking in Epson salt baths or even at least just your feet in Epson salt bath, add a cup of baking soda and a cup of white vinegar, it does wonders. Try to do it for 45 minutes to an hour. You’re not alone, the symptom is extremely common. Blessings your way 😉

  • Posted

    hi there, i went through what your symptoms are as well and mine turned out to be high chloresterol. have you have yours checked ?

    if not , ask a doctor to run some blood tests to see if its all normal amounts then , if it is its probably just hormones from the peri symptoms . but if its not , then they can sort out what may be causing the issues .

    best wishes and


    THIS peri meopause is no fun at all for most of us woman. things will get better though so , stay positive and keep in mind , we will be normal again one day .

    • Posted

      my cholestrol has been high from long time but I don't take any statin. how cholestrol can cause make your leg feel heavy

    • Posted

      hi there , having high chloresterol for a long time , like years or more , can cause plaque build up in the arteries on the lags . therefore it limits the blood flow and doesnt allow the blood to properly pump through as the way it should.

      i had to deal with all that stuff , thats how i know what it does.

    • Posted

      Hi so is your cholesterol under control now and your pain gone? I get this heavy leg feeling during dome days. hormones also effect the circulation I feel.

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      That's why i had a doplar scan on my legs - as i was sure it must circulatory but apparently not. My circulation is ok despite having varicose veins...

      My cholesterol went up when my estrogen dropped as i expected it to as estrogen uses up cholesterol in the body so when a woman stops producing it, cholesterol can go up... but since I've been using HRT patches it's normal again.

      So i can only assume that my painful heavy legs are down to hormones? age? arthritis?

      Who knows but i'm fed up with feeling 90yrs old!! 😦

    • Posted

      hi there , yes i am on chloredterol pills . 10g a day. plus other meds as well .

      im 50 years old and it seems like all my issues started when my estrogen dropped too .

      Now i have heavy bleeding and cant sleep and hot flashes . to many symptoms of peri and i cant wait to feel normal again one day after this stuff is all over with.

      GOD bless all us woman cause it sure is no fun going through this stuff eh?

    • Posted

      Good Evening, I didn’t realize that estrogen uses cholesterol up, that’s very interesting to know. I’m almost afraid to go to my yearly now, as I’m another year post menopause. I can’t imagine what my cholesterol might be? Since my estrogen appears to be sailing off into the sunset. I love the interesting things we learn on here. I am with you, I’m sick of feeling 90 as well. Today for some reason was an unusually bad day. But when I went to the store, the clerk said she was feeling the same way, and we are the same age, but we didn’t discuss menopause 😉 correction MEAN-O-PAUSE. Thank you for sharing that about the estrogen and cholesterol, I had never read that.

    • Posted

      Yeah... just another issue for us women to think about!!

      Interesting really but I feel quite unique in my hormonal hell amongst friends but with you mentioning the visit to the store... makes me wonder just how many women we pass in the street and say hi to that smile back with a hi but are privately going crazy with hormone probs underneath that smile!!

      I feel maybe i should carry a plaque stating 'Hi I'm totally menopausal and hormonally challenged - how about you?!' 😄 I may get many women agreeing wholeheartedly!

      Or maybe I'd just get carted off for pyschological analysis 😦

      Hey ho... I'll just ride it out i guess...

      Hope today is a good day for you all.


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    yes I starred with this around 4 months ago and it seems to be most of the time... my legs just feel so heavy, they ache lots and i have no energy.

    I've had all blood tests and all results are normal, I've had an x-ray which showed mild arthritis but apparently it wouldn't cause this so my doc said, I've had s doplar scan and a pelvic scan - all are ok and yet it continues... awful. 😦


  • Posted

    hi, I am having this issue right now. heavy, achy, muscle pain, tingling, and my feet are sore. it feels like I've run a marathon and I haven't done anything differently then normal lol. I haven't had a period since Nov of 2018 so hopefully I'm on the back side of all this crap. hope you feel better.

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