Heavy menstral bleeding

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Feeling very anxious..  I’m 52 and been peri menapausal for 4 years.. my period are irregular. I have my period now and my flow is very heavy yesterday and today. This happened to me the period before last. Also cramps, lower back and hip soreness. Has anyone else had this happen? 

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear this it's horrible it's just another symptom of menopause as I was like that about six months before my periods stopped altogether so hopefully you will shortly be stopping 😊

  • Posted

    Ditto.  I am 51 and have been bleeding heavily during my periods (which are mostly regular) for almost two years.  I also spot during some cycles.  My doctor did a biopsy and thankfully everything was okay.  Just another horrible symptom of peri.  
    • Posted

      Did they do a biopsy after they did a vag u/s and saw your lining was thick?

      I'm being told they want to do a biopsy, but I feel the lining and the bleeding are just a part of peri. 

    • Posted

      Thank you!!!! Helps to not feel alone!! I do the same thing!! Heavy one month then can just spot the next!!! Happy your test came back good!!! 💜

  • Posted

    They did not do a ultrasound.  She immediately did a biopsy because it had been going on for a year.
  • Posted

    Hi; my bleeding is uncontrollable. I’m 49 and have fibroids. My period still comes every month between 24 day cycle and 31 day cycle. Days 2 and 3 are dreadful! Today is day 3 and I have had to use pads; no point using tampons. I will soak an 8 hour pad within 60-90 mins; I lose clots too. This is exactly the same pattern as my mother followed. Just trying to live with it but it’s just awful

    • Posted

      So sorry you are going through this too!! Is horrible!! I’m doing the same thing !! Soak through a super plus tampon in less then 2 hours on day 2 and 3! On day 3 now. Praying is slows down tomorrow! 
  • Posted

    I too was like that had to change every hour soaked through a super plus tampon and towel had to have days off work because I couldn't leave the house then I started talking to my gp who sent me to a gynaecologist and they did tests and said I could have the lining of my womb thinered until the appointment came I took tablets which was, tranexamic acid 500mg 3 times a day while I was bleeding and it slowed the bleeding so I was able to carry on with life and sleep. Now I haven't had a period since November and I'm 46 following my mom as she was young when she went through the menopause too hope this helps ladies please don't suffer with heavy bleeds there is help


    • Posted

      Thank you for your words of encouragement 😘  what is  tranexamic acid? 

    • Posted

      It's a tablet the gynaecologist prescribed me also your doctor can too to slow the bleeding down so you can get on with day to day life while you have your period if your really heavy like I used to be.

      😘 Hope this helps x

  • Posted

    Sorry forgot to say I didn't have lining thing done as periods stopped altogether x

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