Heavy periods

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My periods are getting worse as i get older! This problem has been going on for 2 yrs now and i am loosing the will to live. Every time i have a period its so heavy its like a blood bath. I get so much pain its unbearable. My stomach swells and it somehow affects my back. I cant stand straight and sometimes i am unable to walk. I get spasms which nearly put me on the floor. This get worse as the months go by and is really having an impact on my life, some times i can be like this for weeks, My last period lasted 5 weeks it was so bad and it affected my ability to look after myself for that time. After 5 weeks of heavy bleeding, back and tummy pain it stopped for 2 weeks and bang its back again! Does anyone know if i can demand a hysterectomy as i cant put up with this any longer. I have been off work since December 2018 thats how much its impacted on my life. I have decided to video record my daily struggle now so i can show my doctor how bad it is. I am 49yrs old but feel 80. Please help

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    It sounds like you are perimenopausal which can cause irregular bleeding which can be very light or extremely heavy. I wouldn't demand a hysterectomy because there are other less drastic treatments out there for the menopause that you can try. Surgery will cause you more downtime for recovery and could leave you with more pain. Between the age of 40 to 51 you can expect your periods to change. The age is different for everyone. Fibroids can develop as you get closer to the menopause and can also cause heavy bleeding. Has your doctor not referred you to a gnaecologist and suggested the menopause?

    • Posted

      I asked my doctor for tests to see if i was premenopausel and they have all come back negative. All my bloods are fine i have had triple swaps to see if there was any infection and they all come back clear. Last week i had a ultra sound scan and an internal scan and at the time the nurse mentioned i have a fybroid and was doing lots of measurements as they do. Its too early to ask my doctor for the full results, but here i am again in bed as i can hardly walk due to the pain i am in. I have been given Naproxen, Tramadol, Codine Phosphate, and Pregabalin tablets to help with the pain but they only take about 90%of the pain away. I was also given Tranexamic Acid to help stop the bleeding, it slows it down but it does not stop it completly. I can cope with the bleeding its all the pain i cant cope with the stomache cramps,spasms,not being able to stand up straight and at times not being able to walk at all. This has also made me very depressed and unable to function normally in life. I feel there is no other option but to have a hysterectomy.

    • Posted

      Maybe you need something else to give full pain relief or a higher dose because you may have become used to the meds you are on and they are losing effectiveness. Discuss all available options with your doctor. Sometimes tests are not always accurate regarding the menopause and they may show up negative when you are in fact menopausal. Some doctors can miss things. I would see someone else to get a different opinion. Do you experience hot sweats because that would be a clue to whether it is the menopause?

    • Posted


      I had a call from my doctor last evening and my scan results are back and she has refered me to a Gynacologist as i have Enfometriosis, a Fibroid and also Adenomyosis at last a diagnosis.

      Thanks for your reply

  • Posted

    Ask your doctor for either naproxen or mefenamic acid they are non-steroidals and can help with heavy periods. Take them as soon as you feel period pain before your period starts and it should help lighten them a bit as well as help the pain.

    • Posted

      I have Naproxen and Tranexamic Acid but they dont help that well i also have Tramadol, Codeine Phosphate, Pregabalin to help again they dont take the full pain away . I can cope with the bleeding its the pain, spasms, not being able to stand straight and walk properly sometimes not at all. Its made me depressed i cant function normally any more as i am in so much pain. I just want it to stop i really have had enough

    • Posted

      I think the mini pill can lighten periods and sometimes stop them altogether. They are not dangerous like the combined pill. Have you tried the mini pill? If you have and it hasn't worked, try a different brand. You need to sit down and discuss it with your GP so they can give you a list of options.

    • Posted


      I had a call from my doctor last evening and my scan results are back and she has refered me to a Gynacologist as i have Enfometriosis, a Fibroid and also Adenomyosis. At last a diagnosis.

      Thanks for your reply.

    • Posted

      Wow that sounds very painful! I hope they can sort it all out so you have a more normal life. Would you let me know what treatment you get for that? My periods are getting worse as I get older, I may get a scan now after you told me what you have, to check nothing is going wrong with me.

  • Posted

    Hi nick45730

    My daughter had a hysterectomy at 48, she had all the symptoms your experiencing. After she had an ultrasound and a very large fibroid was seen to be causing the very heavy bleeding and pain, the consultant suggested a hysterectomy. It was impacting on her life, she was unable to function properly and became severely depressed. So wait for your scan results and see what has been found it may well be a large fibroid that is causing the problem. If so, apart from a hysterectomy they may suggest removing the fibroid...

    • Posted

      A friend of mine had a fibroid removed because of heavy bleeding and this cured the problem.

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