heavy periods, heart palpatations, shakiness, dizziness, emotional
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Hi, can anyone help me understand what I'm going through. About 3 months ago I started having very heavy menstrual bleeding. I've noticed around the same time the heavy periods started I'm getting heart palpatations, shakiness(what feels like from the inside out), I feel dizzy, I have no appetite(sometimes but not always feel nauseous) and I get very emotional when I feel this way because it feels so scary and awful. I've had an EKG and chest xray that came back ok and all my blood work for thryoid and pituitary gland came back ok. But I'm wondering if this is perimenopause symptoms? I have days where I can get hot and clammy out of the blue too. Is there something I should be tested for? A hormone imbalance? I'm so scared. Anyone have any advice, please share. Thank you!
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dawn0904 mckul6
Yes I get the dizziness and especially the shakiness feeling from inside the body- I call mine quivering feeling but it's the same I'm sure. I have anxiety with my symptoms so I'm linking mine to my anxiety brought on from peri. Hot and clammy feelings as well ESP at night. I have to have bloodwork done again on hormones so I would suggest to you to have them tested as well for piece of mind. Good luck and hope you find relief as well
katie96233 mckul6
My periods have become heavier ( I'm 49) they are still regular but have noticed so many more symptoms.. all that you have mentioned and more.. feel shivers,extremely tired and like I don't want to see or speak to anyone..
I have had many blood tests.. heart tests.. chest X-rays and all come back fine..I believe for me it is peri menopause as the timing is always the same..
Taking vitamin B12... vitamin D ( had achey joints) see if any of this helps..keep a diary if you can to see if there is a pattern.. keep talking to other ladies that are going through it and if you have a good dr see if they can suggest anything else.. have you had test to see if you are going through peri..?? Think a lot is to do with losing estrogen as we get older...
gailannie mckul6
Ok, so you asked for an explanation, so here's the best I can do. You are 49, and therefore, your sex hormone system is changing. What often happens is that we have anovulatory cycles. This means that our ovaries respond and produce estrogen, but not enough progesterone in the second half of they cycle. This is often expressed by heavy periods, often with clotting. It can also mean shorter cycles with bleeding moving down to every 20-24 days, instead of the normal 28 day cycle.
For some women, doing some progesterone days 14-28 really helps, in this perimenopausal stage.
Hope this helps. It always helped me just knowing the physiology of it all.
Suki_girl mckul6
I started getting very heavy periods when I was around 48 they also became irregular. They were so heavy that, in the morning, the bed would looked like someone had been murdered in it during the night! I would avoid going out on the heavy days. I had an ultrasound scan and everything was fine, so they concluded it was the onset of premenopause. Now I am 51, I had not had a period for around 140 days, got vaginal dryness and was having several hot flushes during the day and night. Then the hot flushes stopped a couple of weeks ago and I started my period yesterday! Everything is so unpredictable at this time in a woman's life and we all have different menopausal symptoms. I am wondering what treats I'm in for next!