heavy periods help
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Hope someone can help me. I'm 50 and would say I'm going through the menopause periods all over the place. Just had my first one since June but they are getting really heavy making my life hell.
I was told when I was young that I had Endometriosis and the pain I suffered each month was terrible. After I had my children it seemed to get better. But I've noticed that level of pain is coming back.
Is there anything I can do to ease the symptoms each time I have a period. And how long will this go on for I just want them to stop.
Thanks to everyone who reads this
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gailannie mandybabe
But the fact that you are having periods several months apart, indicates that you still have some level of estradiol. I had this exact same pattern, as I got closer to actual menopause.
mandybabe gailannie
Thanks for the reply. I think I'll pay a visit to the doctor and see what he can do can't go on like this.
Regards Mandy
susan556 mandybabe
Yes it was the same with me, never had the painfull Endometriosis luckily but heavy periods, constant bladder problems, felt so unwell, periods got heavier and gaps between got longer till in the end i went like two months without then they started to get lighter before they stopped all together. During the heavy stage i took agnus castus which helped a lot. I know it did interfere with my life and i couldnt leave the house on many occasions, had to use tampons and towels and outings were very brief too. I can honestly say its wonderfull to be period free.
Suki_girl mandybabe
judy77464 mandybabe