Hello :-)

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Hello everyone,forgive me if i'm asking questions that have previously been asked....it's my first time on this site.

I visited my Dr this morning,i'm 52 ,120kg(5.10) previously suffered a mild stroke,have an under active thyroid and have sleep apnoea(have to wear an air mask when sleeping).

After much research, being desperately unhappy with three decades of trying to lose weight, i have discussed the possibility of having a gastric band on the NHS.My doctor was very positive and has referred me.......

That's as far as i've got....... would anyone be able to give me advice/opinions hints or tips as to what happens now please.I know that different geographical areas probably work differently,but has anyone rough ideas of timings etc......from referral to consultation....to procedure???

Thank you so much xx

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I self funded my band op however from my friends who i know went down the NHS route i know they had to jump through several NHS hoops which took quite some time so do be prepared to play the waiting game - you could be looking at yrs at the most and maybe 6mths at the best - you will probably be enrolled upon a wgt management scheme to show your commitment by losing some wgt first of all - you will also most likely be asked to consider other types of wgt loss surgery which may be more suitable to your health status and life style - be guided by the surgeon as he is the expert - my advice in the meantime would be to lots of research into the other types of wg tloss surgery such as RNY, duodenal switch, sleeve so that you go to your appointment armed with some info - also learn as much about the band as you can as it is not a magic wand - just a tool to help you lose wgt so consider the negatives as well as the positives - you could do some research online or attend a support group where you could speak to peple face to face who have had wgt loss surgery - WLSinfo run such groups and have forums which would be a good place to start - like you say it varies from area to area so a bit of a post code lottery - i self funded and it took me 2 mths from initial appt with consultant to the actual op but on the nhs it will take substantially longer - good luck
    • Posted

      Thank you for the great advice and help Bandid smile
  • Posted

    Hi. Lou I was only on the waiting list for six months from the first appointment to the day that I had the operation I had the gastric sleeve 
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      Thats encouraging marrianne biggrin

      May i ask...... did/do you have any health issues that may of made the process so quick? if you get my drift ,and what area do you live ? xx

  • Posted

    Depends on post code. In Devon you have to complete a 6mth level 3 obesity training....involving food ed, dietician, psycologist, exercise classes and education on types of surgery available and their pros and cons/ after care etc. Glad i did this. Then had 11mths before surgery (bad luck as psycologist went off on early materity leave and we had to wait till her cover was free).

    I am also on a research programme that monitors me closely for the next 3 years. Great after care.

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