Hello I have a large enterocele and moderate rectocele and possibly rectal intussusception
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Hello I am 54 and had 3 children all difficult deliveries
I started off having tummy problems about 5 yeas ago they thought IBS, and might still have IBS.
First tests a few years after that, a colonoscopy they could not get past the sigmoid bend and gave up and then did a barium xray, that showed nothing.
A few years later they did a colonoscopy gain and it showed rectal intussusception.
Then I had an app for a proctogram and it showed large enterocele and moderate rectocele, did not show rectal insussusception.
I then had a internal exam in gynae and that did not show anything, DR ordered a CT, did not show anything and I went back to Liverpool same DR as proctogram and they said think its large enterocele and moderate rectocele and they were not sure on rectal intussusception.
So they have offered surgery.
Has anyone had laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy the said keyhole hopefully?
My symptons are tummy ones, get bad stomach, feel pain, full and then I have to take fibre gel stuff but take that every 2 or 3 days as cant stand it. The stools are then soft, but sometimes have put my finger in my anus and push the lump out of the way so I can poo. As the lump is in the way.
I also have a pain in my right back under the rib its sharp every now and then and nausea.
Does anyone have this too?
Thank you. Michele
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karen08997 michelemdc
HI I could have wrote your post as i have exact symptoms but I am being passed from gyni to colorectal and am having to pay private for proctograme as sick of them not listening to me I had hysterectomy in feb this year as they said that was my problem but has made this 100 times worse now they keep saying its the nerves settling but i also have the rectal lump and have to push it out of the way to get stool out then the remaining is stuck above internal sphincter causing pain and pressure im no doctor but I know i feel the lump/bulge and nerves settling wouldnt cause a physical bulge im at the end of my tether i need to find a doctor to listen to me x
michelemdc karen08997
Hello Karen
I had 3 children and each got stuck. I am not sure what has caused all of this but thought maybe child birth and getting older. No one has said what has caused this. One delivery the first one was the big forceps that go inside of you and my baby had to be rotated with forceps in my womb and brought down with those forceps, first child never engaged, in fact none of my three children engaged and this baby was transverse across me. Then second child got stuck partially transverse and he was pulled out of me with ventouse and that was a horrible delivery went on for more than a day. Then third child got stuck and went on again for a day and night and they pulled him out with forceps said he was in a position with his arm across himself and stuck.
I have not been told that I have nerve damage and not told that I have a muscle problem.
First test was a colonoscopy and that failed at the first sigmoid bend, so they had to give up. Then left nearly a year and told that I needed a barium xray, that did not show anything. Then another doctor at hospital said really should have a colonoscopy so they tried again and this time got up far enough and that showed
But then left ages, and had a proctogram and it showed large enterocele and moderate rectocele, did not show rectal insussusception. So its like what??? ok must have entrocele and rectocele but do I have a insussusception or what?
I take Fybogel Sachets and they are awful to take. I dont take them each day as cant stomach them. But take them every 2 or three days and take 2 or 3 sachets on those days. I would say I dont get normal bowel habits, that was so many years ago. I go more often than most if taking these sachets and that is a pain and when I have to go I have to go cant hold onto it for long. At other times I feel I need to go and its all stuck behind the lump, so have to put my finger in my bum and push the lump out of the way so that I can get a bit out, but only bits come out, its like you cant get it out all in one go but you know there is more there its waiting to come out but you cant get it out in one go. Sorry to talk so much about this but trying to put it across as it is, maybe this is as it is for you? its not a good feeling having poo up there and you just cant get it down and out, it uncomfortable and on the other hand you have days when you cant stop pooing and have to go quick it has to come out.
So I have been offered an operation and will take it as something has to happen as need try to make this better.
I have terrible tummies, never have a good day. Its like in there it feels full up, its like at its worse it feels like inside its full and backed up to under my ribs. I also get foul breath when I feel ill and feels like its backed up, do you get this?
Take care if you want to email me my email is xx
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karen08997 michelemdc
Hi finally got your reply my problems started after second child was delivered by forceps too..ive had colonoscopies all clear. was sent for standing mri and told uterus pushing cervix down and advised hysterectomy they discovered my cervix was attached to back wall everything removed..complications due to bleeding ended up in icu and blood transfusion that was in february then in may i still had pain and was given ultrasound this did show suspision of iguinal hernia back in I go for another operation and no hernia found. he did remove a bit of scar tissue my sigmoid colon had attached to rectum..ever since problem has got 100 times worse I have to put on glove and push physical lump out of the way like you to empty. proctogram said small rectocele but my problem is deffinatly higher up colorectal wants to inject botox into internal sphincter but im not happy with this as its to relax it and the problem is above it I am sure its intussuseption but they wont investigate the pain daily is driving me crazy. dont think im too far from you im not far from warrington...just seen that they removed your e mail thats why it was sent to moderator x
michelemdc karen08997
Hello Karen
Do you have IBS as well?
I was told IBS for years and might be this as well dont know.
I do know that I am never right, actually forgotten what normal people feel like inside and how their bowels are.
Most people go once a day dont they, well I am not like that. I can go for days without going and they other times go and keep going back to the toilet as cant get it out in one go, its like some is always held higher up and all wont come down at once.
If I take the sachets of fibre then its soft, but it most of the time it gets stuck behind the lump and I have to put my finger up to push on the lump so the gap is larger so some can come down. When I started to do this, a long time ago now, a few years ago, I thought this lump was a muscle, as I have never stuck my finger up there before, and why would one its not normal to have to do that to poo. But soon thought hang on its not right to have to put your finger up your bum to have to get some poo out. Sorry to sound crude.
Other times it comes rushing out of me and need to get to the toilet fast. I think its the fibre sachets they make you want to go all of a sudden after a while and I dont take them each day as feel if I did then I would have an incontinence problem.
I take them about every 2 to 3 days and take 3 a day, I should probably take them more, but my poo is soft on them, it just gets stuck behind this lump. I can go days without pooing as I said and then have say 2 days of pooing.
is this how you are your pattern?
I get very bad tummies I have one now, where it all feels so heavy in there, like water logged. That can back up to my breast bone and when it does that my breath smells,do you get that.
Thats when I think I should have taken the sachets each day maybe it would not happen then, think is it a back up of poo in me? I just dont know, but I think if I take the sachets each day afraid with going to work that I might poo myself or be in the loo too much.
Do you mind me asking how old you are?
Do you work?
Do most work with this condition?
I am 55 and have had 3 children, all vaginal births but all got stuck. One transverse across me and used they used the large Kielland forceps which can go up inside you, rotate the baby and bring the baby down.
That was my first child.
2nd child was stuck and they used the suction cap to pull him down.
3rd child was stuck and they used forceps.
All my children never engaged, think I am narrow.
I have to work to earn enough money. I am single left my husband after 30 years of marriage and had to go back out to work, I have a 16 year old living with me still so have to earn enough for us.
when I have the operation I will be on the sick and hope that will be about April time. Laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy. They are using animal mesh. I am going to give it a go as I dont feel well with this and it happens all the time. I am hoping that it will work. Have you heard of others that have had the operation?
The proctogram showed large enterocele and moderate rectocele but did not show rectal intussusception but the colonoscopy showed this. Had the colonoscopy the year before the proctogram. So if it showed on the colonoscopy rectal intussusception do I have it not sure as they said after proctogram it did not show intussusception?
The colonoscopy Report on 6 Feb 17 said
Perianal lesions: 3 haemorrhoids (2nd degree) and skin tag within
Haemorrhoids and mild degree of rectoanal intussuseprion.
So when I say I have tummy pain and bloating is it spasms of IBS or is it any of the above? I dont know.
Please let me know how you are getting on.
Best regards.
karen08997 michelemdc
Hi Michelle I keep trying to reply to you but for some reason it never appears so I am trying again in the hope this reaches you. how are things with you? Iam stil the same stool stuck like you say the softer it is the more its stuck and the more pain it causes in rectum and my pelvis having to literaly fish it out..I have now transfered to new consultant at a different hospital hes going to do another defecating proctogram but feel its enterocele. if this is the case he will then discuss options as he knows i am against mesh or anything artificial to repair but will wait and see what the test shows. Since i last messaged you they found I also have bulging discs in L4/L5 disc pressing on S1 nerve. let me know how you are doing
karen x
karen08997 michelemdc
your reply is waiting to be moderated x
rosalind22524 michelemdc
I have had three procedures for a bowel prolapse including a VMR which was done in 2010 and up until August 2018 everything had been really good. However, since then have had recurring stomach pain, frequent bowel movements (sometimes 7-8 times within a couple of hours), needing to empty my bladder often. Anyway after various tests it looks as though the sutures and some mesh have moved. This means I need to have some sort of repair and maybe the mesh taken out yikes! This is going to take place on Feb 11th. Apparently this only happens to 2 to 3 people so I am one of the unlucky ones. However, I would still recommend
michelemdc rosalind22524
Hello Rosalind. How are you now? did you have another op and if so what was it?
Apparently this only happens to 2 to 3 people so I am one of the unlucky ones. However, I would still recommend - you mean you would have a mesh op again? is it pig mesh?
There are so many bad stories on various mesh FB sites, but maybe there are a lot of good ops too.
Do you know of others that have had success with mesh ops?
Some say just use sutures and your own tissues, have you heard of that?
My problems are getting worse. Two years ago I had various tests including a proctogram - showed a large enterocele and moderate rectocele. On a colonoscopy it showed mild rectal intussusception. But this was not on proctogram.
I have since moved to Bristol as Mum needs me and had a proctogram again and awaiting the results. Although prior to this had an internal exam and the dr said that she thought she could feel a small cyctocele.
I know I am getting worse. I cant go to 2nd properly even with fibre sachets. Please forgive me for being graphic, but I put my finger up my bum the other day and the lump is very low down now nearly at the opening. When I first found this lump up my bum hole I thought is that a muscle must be, but of course its not that, but did not know that then. This is so much further down now. What happens does anyone know if it drops lower, will it block me completely. I feel its hard to go to the toilet now.
I do hope you are OK.
SusieWoozy michelemdc
Hello Michele - I know it's been some time since your original post, but I wanted to share with you my experience so far after having a laparoscopic ventral mesh rectopexy (with biological mesh).
I'm 55 and have had 2 children, both vaginal deliveries (though both relatively straightforward births). A couple of years ago, I noticed a large lump in my vagina, which turned out to be a rectocoele, and was having difficulty emptying my bowel properly. I also experienced severe lower abdominal pain prior to doing a "number 2", which I put down to IBS. After a referral to a gynaecologist, who sent me for a defecating proctogram, it was revealed that I had a severe rectal intussusception, which came down almost to my anus.
Anyway, I am currently almost 8 weeks post-procedure, and my recovery has gone fairly well. I had about a 5 cm wound in my belly button and two much smaller wounds below it and to the right. I was sore for the first couple of weeks, but fortunately my wounds healed well and I was able to get back to work after 5 weeks (working from home for the first two weeks). The rectocoele has gone, and so has the intense pain that I used to suffer prior to defecation.
The only downside has been that I have to take laxatives regularly to keep my stool very soft - my consultant stressed the importance of this, as you are not allowed to strain to pass a bowel motion at all following the surgery. I will be taking the laxatives for a number of months at least, if not longer. The laxative I have been given (a powder that dissolves in water) makes my stool very sticky and viscous, and I have been finding it very difficult to clean myself, and the toilet, up afterwards. At work I am using the disabled toilet for a "number 2", as this has a sink in it. Apologies if this is TMI!
I hope this goes some way to allaying any fears that you might have about this particular surgery 😃