Hello, I have been suffering from ribs contraction(tighten up) when I wake up in the morning.
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I am frustrated from the pain that I have been suffering from last 2 years. I got congested or tightened chest when I woke up in the morning, pain generally occurs on the left side of the chest and left back side, it radiates toward the shoulders and some time to my left arm. I cannot do anything with my left hand due to pain in back and chest, I am fed up with this pain.I have done a number of tests but haven't found any major cause for the pain:Heart test: Echo, ECG, Trade mill test found OKBone test(Ortho): Chest MRI, chest XRAY, the cervical x-ray was ok, Dorsal spine ct scan tested ok but my vitamin was low earlier but now it is around 50, tested 3 months back.Gastro: Done Upper GI endoscopy and found GERD LA grade "A" and also have Fundal and corporal erosion, mucosa of fundus and body shows superficial red erosion in stomach, I don't know what does that meanDone esophageal manometry test and found weak peristalsis with the large peristatic break. Barium test was ok.Blood test: LDL level was 144 Please, anyone help me with this as I always have pain and have constantly chronic fatigue and I don't like eating much. I cannot sleep in the night some time because of the pain. I have taken pregabalin several times but doesn't work. I feel like something is stuck or pressure in my chest or esophagus, when that pressure goes I feel so much relieved.I don't know if the cause of pain related to chest ribs or esophagus, maybe it is due to gas trapped in the chest or due to achalasia, teitiz syndrome, etc please I am thankful if anyone can help me with this pain, I cannot live with this pain. I have left my job due to this pain. I have attached some of the reports, would request to go through that.Thank you
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cathy35794 mak9555
I am no doctor but I have to wonder if it is as simple as a need for magnesium. I can't afford one, but doctors who have intergrated practices meaning they do nutritional assessment labs before putting you on a bunch of drugs that add problems is the best route. My Mom used her money on the last year of her life and they sure uncovered problems unfortunately many years of "main stream" medicine had done way too much damage and robbed her of quality life.
mak9555 cathy35794
Hi cathy,
I am sorry to hear about your mother. I have read in other forum as well that deficiency of magnesium causes fibromyalgia and pain in bones, currently i am taking calcium citrate tablet that has 100 mg of magnesium and 500 unit vitamin d3 from last 7 days, i haven't seen any difference in my heath yet, hoping of good result soon. Anyways thank you for the help ??
cathy35794 mak9555
I share my Mom's story, so although I don't have the problem I very much understand how people are suffering. It is hard sometimes cause doctors and some people can make you feel freakish and your sx are just drama. A site like this one can help suffering people not feel alone and sometimes learn management tips. Keep us up dated . Myself I was believed to have a thyroid problem because of a lab test TSH the gold standard by doctors. I was a perfectly well person until I was prescribed something that felt like a type of speed. Sadly I didn't put my sx together with the drug cause it is harmless and good for you according to the doctor. With in a year and a half I had low grade high BP and placed on two drugs that finished what the thyroid med had started. I am hoping to get off some of this crap, but I may not be fully successful. One thing I did have was really bad muscle spasms that would give me severe spasms around my rib cage area when I twisted or turned and would twist my fingers like they were spaghetti and it was painful. I thought I had some slowly evolving neurological disorder. Last month I quite literally saw my self on some of the BP med threads and started a magnesium as a natural calcium channel blocker and it has been weeks now since I've had the spasms! I still have many of the myriad of sx that these drugs have caused, but many are lessened. I am so grateful to the generous sharing of others. I too to try share if only to encourage. Thank you for your response.
mak9555 cathy35794
Thank you for sharing your story, doctor tries to relate our symptoms with other patients. I have been to a number of doctors for this pain and they end up giving me anxiety medicine. I don't know what is the cause of my pain, some people on other forum are saying it is symptoms of costochondritis as many of my symptoms relate to costochondritis. The Sad thing about costochondritis that it does not have specific medication and have to live like it
, it goes away with time.Hope you would get well soon and take care, try to use herbal method as well
cathy35794 mak9555
I worked with an older Occupational Health doctor back in the 1980's. We saw a good deal of that and all it is is pulled and inflamed muscles and he would prescribe things like Indocin (sp) and other non-steroid anti inflammatory medications prescription strength for 10 days and rest. I saw these guys get better and these guys were handling really huge grinding wheels. They had conveyors and hoists, but still pushing and turning this stuff and trying to make rate really did beat people out. This company was a division of Dresser Ind. who makes things used for oil drilling and the like.
AlanJM mak9555
You have a number of complications, and pain can be difficult to pin down because it can transfer and be felt elsewhere through the nerve system.
?But people with achalasia, which is more or less what you are describing with the break in peristaltic function in your oesophagus, can suffer spasms that are sometimes felt in other parts of the body. But if your barium swallow test was normal, this makes it less likely.
?If you have erosion in your stomach and/or oesophagus you might need to be careful about Barrett's Oesophagus and the potential risk of developing dysplasia which is a precursor to cancer. There is more information on the website Action Against Heartburn. It might be that radio frequency ablation might be an approach that might prevent further issues, but it will depend on the detailed findings. I think one priority may be that you have medication to reduce the acid erosion effects to give your system time to recover on its own. The erosion might be causing the problems with your peristalsis / swallowing function.
?Did the endoscopy find food residue that had not passed through to your stomach?
I think it might be the case that certain food might cause more problems than others, normally because of the texture, potential for congealing in your oesophagus (eg bread, rice) or its spicy effect. So I would try and concentrate on taking bland, mushy / liquid food for a period, and keep a food diary to see whether you can reduce the problems.
There may be medication like Buscopan or other anti spasmodic drugs that might be able to help, or other medication that might help with blood flow, but you need to have your doctor's advice on these possibilities.
?Sleep propped up at night to reduce any reflux and think about taking Gaviscon Advance which can protect your oesophagus lining.
?Do ensure that you take proper amounts of liquids and nutrition; otherwise you will indeed feel malnourished and weak and this will not assist your recovery.
mak9555 AlanJM
Hello OPA,
Thank you for replying. No, endoscopy didn't find any food residual in the esophagus.
But I always have a feeling that something there is in my esophagus as it makes me very uncomfortable and I feels like stabbing pain when it goes down I feel very relaxed but after 15 minutes I get the same feeling of something there in my esophagus. And when I wake up in the morning every day, something there is in my esophagus and it goes down with force of my saliva.I have an accident 2 years back and fallen from the bike on the support of my left shoulder. Could this be a cause of pain? I have done chest MRI, X-rays, etc but they didn't find anything wrong with my bones.Thank you in advance
AlanJM mak9555
mak9555 AlanJM
No, I didn't have this type of pain that I am having right now but I do have stomach problem from my childhood such as constipation, loss of appetite.
AlanJM mak9555
cathy35794 mak9555