Hello i m 21 years old girl. I have been dysphagia from 2 weeks
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Hello i m 21years old girl i m suffering form dysphagia from last two weeks. Yesterday my GI doctor did an endoscopy and it results with mild gastritis.. But i m scared plz tell me can it cure completely.. Can my dyspagia will go.. Doc gave me medicine for 2weeks .plz tell me something what to do
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Breagh rani13595
It is scary, especially as you are young. Read this which might help answer some of your questions. Everybody is different. Good luck.
neil32387 rani13595
The fact that you have had the Endoscopy is great. You know there is no blockage causing the issue. It is good to show diligence, but also best not to worry or panic - easy to say I know
. It is very unlikely that you have Achalasia (1/100,000), and I know dysphagia can be temporary and harmless with normal problems like acid reflux or gastritis. Luckily Achalasia is not an imminent threat. It is something that takes months or years to progress and diagnose. My advice - Try and relax, not worry, and look at this again in a few weeks.... Take some me time
Happy karma,
rani13595 neil32387
bookgirl5 rani13595
Hi rani13595
I just want to say anemia can cause dysphagia - painful swallowing. I also had an upper Endoscopy and I have a hiatal hernia and I take prevacid regularly for acid reflux. I had painful swallowing for 10 months. Found out that it was from anemia. I could never get the doctors to really understand my pain. They did not come up with the idea of anemia and frankly have no interest that it was the cause. But if you google it you will see on some sites it mentions dysphagia - not all. It isn't common. I had to ask the doctor to test my iron and that's how the anemia was found. Just wanted to throw that out there because you are young and anemia is often found in young girls.
AlanJM rani13595
Try not to worry about it too much, because stress and tension can make it worse, whereas relaxation helps it to improve.
abbyy rani13595
Only endoscopy is not enough you should undergo with gold stranded test "Esophageal manometry "
it is non invasive and reveals how much your lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is involved .
Another test is Barium Swallow x-ray will confirm the Oesophageal Achalasia, to avoid misdiagnosis.
And what are the other symptoms?
Is there chest pain (diffuse spasm type) followed by vomiting or regurgitation after taking food or liquid ?
Or pain reduced after vomiting or regurgitation, wt. loss ?
There so many other causes of dysphagia. if your Gastroenterologist suggested other essential test, then he/she would conduct the test that would give you right direction.
All the best
rani13595 abbyy
AlanJM rani13595
But a barium swallow will show what is happening in real time when you swallow because it is like an x-ray video that shows how you swallow a white liquid and how it progresses through your system.
From what you say, I would wait and see whether your gastritis clears up first.
abbyy rani13595
No, Not at all (endoscopy not enough to diagnosis)
Gastritis and Achalasia both are different diseases
Gastritis is Acid-Pepsin disorders causes excessive secretion of acid from stomach and caused inflamed and swollen stomach lining (mucosa layer) . Gastritis may be due to secondary to other disease
Where Achalasia is esophageal motility disorders which often cause neuromuscular disorders and its progressive (narrowing LES ) with symptoms and required many months to years to develop clinical symptoms.
Chronic gastritis may cause achalasia (long standing acid secretion may reflex to esophageal gastric junction (LES) and destroy some neurons which are responsible for esophageal motility
Esophageal manometry measure real time LES pressure and reveals whether patient have Achalasia or not
So first you must rule out the cause of your problem, treatment would be easy and proper
All the best