Hello lovely ladies an update
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i love this group so much I've had great comfort and emotional support from all your posts so thank you .
i first posted in November with a thickened endometrium. Fast forward a hysteroscopy which showed multiple polyps in December.i also had a biopsy for endometrial cancer which sent me into meltdown on and off over the last few weeks waiting on pins for results.
Yesterday I went into hospital ( only I could be booked in on junior doctors strike day) where I had a GA for polyp removal ( around 9 yikes!) and a Mirena coil fitted. I was assured this was to control the horrendous bleeding I had encountered.
I have 1 positive and 1 negative from yesterday:
positive ( well BIG positive) my biopsy was clear phew! Last 3 weeks and a ruined Christmas has been a nightmare. But I thank God ( and I mean that) that all is well❤️
The negative: when I came out of the recovery room and for the last 24 hours post op I've had terrible muscle pains in my neck shoulders and arms. Been taking paracetamol and ibuprofen for it. I think it's the meds they use with GA ?
Anyway all all in all I'm ok and hopefully done for now( fingers crossed)
Thank you all much love ❤️❤️❤️
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Sochima822 mandy91562
joanne05881 mandy91562
tasnim54249 mandy91562
feel good to hear that your biopsy report came positive.just wanted to know if you don't mind,are you still bleeding and how long u had been bleeding,I want to know because my endometrial linning went thick in November Dr took biopsy no results,as the technicians wanted more sample, but when I had my follow up with gynecologist he said there is no need to do it again as my bleeding stop, I am confused.i am put on hysterectomy weighting list due to endometrosis and fibroids.
mandy91562 tasnim54249
Of course I don't mind ..ask away!
My lining was very thick 25mm. Bleeding was very heavy with large clots. The bleeding was so bad it made me anaemic.
The hysteroscopy was a breeze no anaesthetic it was the polyp removal was tricky.
Do you really need a hysterectomy? Is there not other treatments before that?
Keep in touch xxx❤
My bleeding started in September and has been more or less constant. 😕
tasnim54249 mandy91562
mandy91562 tasnim54249
Take care xx
Zigangie mandy91562
I wonder if they did the same to you as they did for me when I was sterilised?
I went private so they are much better with their explanations.
Because it's all such a tiny area they use a gas to inflate the abdomen so they can see what they are doing.
When I came round I felt like I had been in a fight or something neck and tops of the shoulders. I was told this is the gas leaving the body through the skin and to sit as upright as possible to help it escape.
mandy91562 Zigangie
Thanks Zig I think you're right xx❤