Hello my one armed-friends- Check this one out..
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So, yesterday I had my cortizone shot under xray, they knocked me out (I was supposed to be awake). Which was super stressful because, when I woke up the first thing on my mind is...are my glucose reaiding in the toilet? I'm a Diabetic on insulin and had to fast longer than anticipated.
Anyway, after hours of all of that, the nurse in the recovery room tells me that the doctor has me scheduled to come back in a few weeks... for ANOTHER idential procidure. Are you kidding? I am feeling like crud from this injection still. I don't feel any relief, but more pain from the stupid injection shoved in a joint where there is already no room. Thank you for letting me vent. Anyone else been subjected to this torture of a 2nd joint injection?
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debbie36227 Je_n
Je_n debbie36227
debbie36227 Je_n
One armed-lady,
Je_n debbie36227
claire50742 Je_n
Anyway, then I went for the whole thing,cortisone and hydrodilatation - what a waste of time. The DR needed a personality transplant and the whole thing was AGAIN done without any local or anything. After they peeled me off the ceiling they went ahead and did the deed. WASTE OF TIME for me! No pain relief and no help at all.
Now, the pain is on it's way back. I guess it thinks I miss it - phew I hate this condition.
Good luck x
Je_n claire50742
Claire, it seems it is a waste of time. I agree. I have to do the procidure or anger my insurance company and the agency I am trying to obtain disability for a few months. They will kick me off if I don't go along with the doctors plan. :-)
teri17216 Je_n
teresa59318 Je_n