Hello! New Group Member Here Struggling With Perimenopause
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I've finally decided to join some type of group in order to get some support! I've been in peri-menopause for about a year now and I can honestly say that this is the worst things I've ever had to deal with in my life! I'm pretty certain that I have every symptom of peri there is, and probably a few more. I've had several test run that all come back negative. I've had scans and xrays and sonograms, etc. and I'm still not satisfied that something other than peri is at play here. Such a horrible feeling to always be concerned about your health! Of course some days are more "tolerable" than others, but lately I've been having those days where I think I would be just fine to just lie on my living room, doing nothing, until this is all over!!!
I've had a chance to read some of your posts and they have been really helpful! I'm really hoping that this group can help me through some of my diffcult days.
Thanks for sharing everyone!
3 likes, 22 replies
brendababy Vee2016
Vee2016 brendababy
Thank you Brenda!!!
michelle46271 Vee2016
Guest Vee2016
Glad you've found this community, Vee! I could not get through peri without these wonderful people. You will find lots of support.
Vee2016 michelle46271
Vee2016 Guest
Awwwnn you ladies are so sweet! I'm happy to have found you! Before this, I thought I was going crazy!!!! Lol
didi0613 Vee2016
Yeah it's the pitts Vee for sure. We are all feeling your pain. Symptoms do ease up over time, and think taking vitamins and herbal supplements help some of the symptoms. At least they have eased some for me. Im almost nearing menopause. 2 more mos. to go so hoping no more periods or spotting occur.
Vee2016 didi0613
Hi Didi!
Thank you for the encouraging words! If you don't mind sharing, I'd love to know what vits and supps you're taking. I'm only taking vitamin D right now, due to a deficiency.
I'm only a little over a year into peri and it has been quite difficult. I really hope that with time it eases
didi0613 Vee2016
Vee2016 didi0613
Thanks! I'll have to try adding some B12!
deidra40034 Vee2016
Welcome Vee!
Wishing you good luck!! But don't give up the idea of hormone replacement, as these days, there is no reason to suffer through meno anymore!! The new studies have found the frightening information that came out some years back was flawed, and there are more pro's than cons for us. Unless you truely have a medical condition that would prevent you from taking it of course. There are new ones now, that are called biodenticle hormones that can be taken, and are supposed to be even better! Plus, you have the added benifits of feeling younger, and looking younger for many, many more years!!! There are women in their 80's still taking their hormone pills, and feeling great!! Good for your bones too!! I suffered too much when I was younger, I will gladly take a pill, and feel wonderful, and forget that business of suffering through it all!!
You have a while, but something for you to think about now. Best of luck to you!!
Vee2016 deidra40034
Hey Deidra!!!
I really have to look into this further! I've been terrified of HRT, but this really gave me some hope.
Thank you so much for this!!!
looloo43 Vee2016
Welcome Vee! You will find lots of support on here. You can ask questions, share experience or advice, or just vent when you need to hun! Hrt is worth looking into - I've been on it since april & its really helped me - particularly the mental symptoms & headaches, & eliminated irreg bleeding I've had for the last 2yrs. A good starting point for you would be to see if your gp surgery have a specialist meno gp or meno nurse to talk about your symptoms in depth & discuss hrt options for you to have a think about. Then you can weigh up for yourself if you want to try it. I am on a low dose/low risk hrt regimen & it's made such a difference. xx
Vee2016 looloo43
Hey Looloo
Thank you so much for the response and advice. I'm thinking that HRT, regardless of any side effects might be the way to go! I'm definitely going to ask my doc about it. I can can hardly manage throughout the day, so something has to change!
I'm not sure if I have a GP that specializes in menopause, but I'm going to check into that!
Thank you so much!!!!
tt1969 Vee2016
Welcome from me too Vee! Everyone is so supportive - I love this site. I have almost all the symptoms as well, but the phantom pains are the worst. Keep logging on and letting everyone know what's going on. The more we share with each other the better we all feel. Once we know we all are having the same issues, we know we're feeling "normal" things and we're not dying. And I agree, the vitamins have been helping!
Vee2016 tt1969
I appreciate you!