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Hi All,
Always been so lucky to have fabulous health until I reached 50. For the last year I have been struggling with the most frightening symptoms. Have been hospitalised twice with what I thought were heart attack symptoms, chest tightness, heavy arms etc. Now the episodes seem to present differently with dizzyness, headaches, strange pains in neck, a feeling when I wake as if I am going to pass out, and a floating pins and needles feeling in any or all parts of my body! I should say I am still having periods and my GP wanted to throw HRT at me even though I didn't really see how you can prescribe drugs without first gaining an understanding of your hormone levels, when I requested testing I was told testing was unreliable. Desperate for a solution, I did go with her recommendation and tried HRT but found that the symptoms in fact got worse so stopped taking the medication. Have had all sorts of tests which all came back clear so now I just don't know what to do or where to go. I am finding it really hard to tolerate and or understand these 'episodes,' GP now really doesn't seem to be willing to help, where does one find expertise? Any suggestions most welcome!
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barbara49965 Lavender50
I also put flax seeds in my porridge & juice, vegetables only & always with lot of beetroots, good for the blood!
Hope this helps, good luck!
Lavender50 barbara49965
Sandy07 Lavender50
Lavender50 Sandy07
gillmm Lavender50
Crazydaisy72 Lavender50
Lavender50 Crazydaisy72
BellaRubia Lavender50
General complaint here is that doctors know very little and tests do not show enough. I learned that like 10 years ago when I had spottings and my (very good) doctor did not find anything wrong with my hormons, I was completely health. She put me back on birthcontrol, did not work as well, what showed that taking hormones not always fix things. Besides, there are side effects to that, reason I will try to go hormone free. I had a friend who tested for pregnancy hormone level one day - and it came back fine - other day she miscarried. And it happened more than once. So, at least when it comes to hormones, tests really are not that reliable.
Take the time and search this group, specially things from jayneejay, she is the expert here, LOL. Lots of good advise about vitamins, diet, exercise. And if you decide, I bet there is good advise about HRT, too.
Big hugs
susan47122 Lavender50
You should talk to your doctor and have her check your vitamin b levels because maybe vitamin b6 and b 12 will help you because it did not help me it just made me more anxious and shaky. Also maybe you need to be put on zoloft for anxieties I did here that zoloft is good for peri menopause talk to your doctor. Like everyone has told me try relaxation and yoga maybe that will help you.
I always heard that HRT is not really good because it can cause more problems like stroke and blood clots and heart attacks. I feel that people over 40 should not be taking HRT because of the problems it can cause.