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Please someone tell me I'm not on the way out cos got a holiday booked n wont be popular if theres no one to carry the luggage! On a more serious note..I am actually sitting here sobbing which is sooo not me. I am 49 and always suffered migraine..worse b4 a period and got tons worse during IVF treatment but for last few months have been living wiv they have bern joined by night flushes so little sleep! Day flushes, dizziness, aching joints, thinning hair and dry cracking skin..god the list is endless...Periods every few months but very scanty ..due to see a new doc nxt wk..last one just told me to go and read NHS website..which to be honest I could be dying from a number of weird n terrible conditions. Pl someone tell me this is normal to feel like this!!!
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kelly55079 beverley007
Yes i sometimes get awful headaches before period.. Here and there wouldn't last more than 2 days.. I just thought terrible sinus headache due to weather also.. My friend had super bad migraines so bad that she took a leave of absence at work.. Had every test done..lots of doctor visits... Just couldn't function.. She got on some cream and feels so much better.. Headaches are here and there but not as nearly as bad as beore.
samantha46571 beverley007
Sorry to hear your not feeling good!.
Nothings worse than going on holiday and not feeling 100%
Your kinda showing symptoms of the perimenopause have you started this yet?
beverley007 samantha46571
samantha46571 beverley007
Are you based in England?
My Dr done a FSH blood test on me. I found out in March this year, i am in the perimenopause. Its horrible! when i didn't know what was going on i too thought i was dying..... I too suffered with terrible insomnia, aniexty, which has slow down a bit now. Still get the headaches, joint aches, and other symptoms. I also have really, really heavy periods which i really dread each month!:-( i always feel scared because i flood!
Your perimenopause symptoms will settle down when you understand what is happening to your body :-)
This website is brilliant! as so many woman are going through the same thing. All the best :-)
beverley007 samantha46571
Yes I am sure that I will feel better once get it officially diagnosed.
I sympathise with the heavy periods..I had terrible flooding about 8 yrs ago and had an endo ablation which thankfully practically got rid of the bleeding although u still get all the other joys that accompany them!!
I am feeling better just being able to talk to people even if it is this way..thanks guys..just for being cyber ears!!!
Azzumi beverley007
Hi Beverley, it all sounds like Peri menopause and unfortunately anything and everything is normal during Peri. The migraines during Peri can become unbearable, mine escalated to up to 3 a week. After 20 years of migraines I finally found a doctor who prescribed maxalt wafers and they have truly saved me. They take about an hour to work and will make me a bit tired but I can go to work and get through the day. I'v also been on bio identical hormone replacement for about 6 months now and the migraines have almost gone along with most of my other Peri symptoms the worst for me being mood swings and depression with lots and lots of crying. Nothing could have prepared me for Peri menopause but with BHRT and time I have my life back. Hope this helps..
beverley007 Azzumi
I am on Zomig which works pretty well but at the mo Im having to take them daily..migraine goes then after a busy night of flushes comes back with avengence the next day! If it wasnt for those I could put up with all the other rubbish!! Crap being a woman..grrrr..
Cforce Azzumi
HI Azzumi!
I'm just like everyone else here. I come on here when I'm having a bad day/night, read eveyrone elses symtpoms, realize we're all going through hell, and feel a little better just knowing that. Tonight for me was anxiety (tightness in chest, feel short of breath, then palpitations from the anxiety, ears feel clogged, you know the drill....all the "weird" stuff). I seem to get a few nights like this right AFTER my period, which I thought was insane until I read other women on here having that same issue.
I'm in U.S., no health insurance, and one of the lucky ones who's stuck in a gap where we are not young enough or old enough to get medicaid. So we either pay for private insurance, which is basically more than our mortgage payments, or suffer lol.
So my question is...WHAT is bio identical hormone replacement? I've seen so many things about this on here, and haven't asked anyone yet. Is it the same as regular HRT? People have a lot of good to say about BHRT. I've always heard HRT is "super dangerous" and "causes cancer and strokes" and all these horror stories.
My health anxiety gets at an all time high when I'm feeling symptoms, because I start thinking surely I'm dying, and then I'll have a great week where I feel amazing and full of energy. Soon as that cycle starts somewhere and the hormones are moving around, I go crazy again lol.
Azzumi Cforce
Bio identical hormones are identical to hormones produced in the body therefore considered much safer than standard hrt. I have mine in a troche each morning made by a compound pharmacist and the amount of each hormone I'm given is specifically tailored to what my body needs. This is worked out through my blood work and my symptoms. I started just over 6 months ago and have had 3 adjustments made so far. I'm probably 80% better but my doctor wants me 100% so once that happens I'll stay on for life with yearly checkups. I live in Australia so each visit is $180 and I get $50 back through our medicare system. So $130 each visit. The troche costs $80 and lasts 8 weeks so $10 a week. Hope i'v explained it ok. I know I'm extremely fortunate having found the doctor who is treating me as he's a freaking genious and I think living in Australia we have a reasonable health system too.