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I am 51 and my symptoms keep on fluctuating.i sweat profusely/my cheeks become bright red/heaviness on head/space out/palpitation/anxious/irritated and stress.I don't feel like doing anything.Ladies am I really suffering from menopause or is it some other ailment which I am not aware of.I don't feel relaxed.Some days are good when hormones become friendly but some days become nightmare when hormones become EVIL.HELP PLESE!!!
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rachel13481 swaran00
Mars777 swaran00
Hi yes! all symptoms of Meno , I was like you except no red face. I put up with lots as you do. But by 57 the sweats & anxiety hit me. I did go to the Drs & felt I needed something tor my horrible symptoms, HRT for me, made such a difference to my quality of life, I have not looked back. I know it's not for everyone but for me it was great. I have all the regular checks that you need to have. It's awful having to cope with daily life with these horrible symptoms. Good luck.
caz1967 swaran00
good luck
Marisa02082 swaran00
Unfortunately...that's the way it is..But you are not alone!!! Try to balance out your life the best you can. Eat fresh, organic foods and exercise alittle and listen to you..when you need to rest and just have time alone. Bachs flower remedies have helped me greatly...and changing my life style...I hope this helps...Some months I have the same and it makes me feel so stressed and crying...I get sick of it...but then I get thru and try to balance out again.. I also found out with wine makes me have heart palps..especially before I have cut that out..once in a blue moon..if I am feeling really balanced with hormones ( which we can feel it) I will have one...
dippi swaran00
hi all over the last 15yrs i think iv been perimenopause as iv had hot flases iv got Dry skin and creepy feeling skin mood swings tired wont the loo at a drop of a hat i cry at anything and iv just had ablood test for thyroid and iv got an under active one o by the way im 53 lol and im on cerazett and my periods stoped 3yrs ago so not sure if im in the menopause yet or not .the dr has given me citalopram and thyroid tablets and im also taking evening primerose capsules which help me. im getting a hormone test done tomorrow and a b12 test. i moved from uk to Baveria 3 yrs ago and the dr here are great. i also find tea and wine brings on a hot flaush too and now im having lactose free milk which has helped as i was suffering from diarrhoea after i had milk..I just wont to feel normal again and myself which i dont right now 😣??😥