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I finally got my hs under control. The number of new boils have decreased drastically. But I can’t seem to get

rid of 2 old ones. They keep resurfacing and getting inflamed no matter what. They’ll swell, buss, then drain, go down for a bit, then swell, buss, then drain again, then the process begins all over again. Have anyone ever had this problem? Any suggestions? I have had these 2 same boils on my vagina area for more than 6 months so I’m desperate for any type of help at this point. 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Seems like you need to be on antibiotics. I had a similar case with a boil under my arm. Minocycline 100mg twice a day for 2 months, but if your symptoms get significantly better you can reduce that to once a day during the second month. 
    • Posted

      Thanks I usually don’t like taking antibiotics but I think you are right. I’ll be making a doc appointment ASAP. 
  • Posted

    Hi Tamika, 

    I have made a tool out of a

    Whenever I get a "repeater" I would make sure that when it burst to use a suction device on it, I made a simple one out of a large syringe and plastic shotglass , made a hole in the back of the shotglass put some hot glue on it with a glue gun to seal it and put a strong spring inside the syringe. Now I've got an "extractor". It hurts a bit, but let me tell you it works much better than to try and press stuff out with your hands, which is a really bad idea anyway. Also grab some cheap zinc pills to let the area heal better quicker.

    • Posted

      Sounds like a good idea. Do you mind sending me a pic of your extractor? Possibly to my inbox or email? My email is  

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