Help, 2yrs of digestive issues with no answers

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I am 20 years old and I have had issues with my stomach for over 2 years now with no answers, it first started with acid reflux which I have recently cured, within that time I was throwing up in the morning for a full year, I would throw up the most if I had to get up early for day shift but just having a stomach ache if I wake up at my own time, so I completely stopped eating after 7pm. I have had irritable bowels for a very long time but now it just seems I can never have a regular passing it seems to be always and ordeal for me to go to the bathroom and I am never finished, and the more I eat I feel I'm just piling more food getting more bloated. When I threw up in the morning the food would be undigested and sometimes "cement", I have completely changed everything from my diet to taking several different supplements to help things move better, I have stopped puking as much but I also haven't done a day shift in a long time, but now my other end is still very back up. I saw a natural path after my doctor just said I had stress and anxiety and that was my problem and she put me on a gluten free diet which I've been on for over a month now. When I started the diet I was very sick and throwing up with diarrhea for 4 days something that isn't normal when starting the diet but I've also always have had a sensitive stomach... once I did test gluten I felt fine after just bloated but threw up the next morning, I am still on a gluten free diet. I am currently taking magnesium before bed, 3 chronic stress pills a day, b100 complex and I have also had many x-rays and tests done to my stomach but no scopes that is next... my question is do I have any type of gluten intolerance or am I wasting my time continueing this? What else could possibly be my issue? I eat well fruit and veggies everyday with an acception of some junk but generally eating healthy, I'm feeling pretty hopeless at this point and draining all my money into this, does anyone have any suggestions?

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9 Replies

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    If you vomit before starting a day shift but don't when you get up in your own time, this sounds like a stress response related to IBS so your doctor maybe right about this.  Stomach pain, nausea, or vomiting with change of bowel habit, anxiety, bloating and food inolerance are IBS symptoms. Tell your employer about your symptoms and ask for a different shift pattern.  If this works for you, then stress could be the trigger.

    Anxiety affects the stomach and bowel.  If the gluten free diet improves your symptoms, then this may indicate gluten intolerance or celiac. You could try including gluten in your diet again to see if your symptoms come back.  The other option is to have a celiac blood test and or endoscopy to confirm it.  You will have to go back on gluten for both these tests.

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear about all your problems. I am in the same situation with no medical help dor the past 8 yrs. Done all the tests , sometimes twice but no solutions. I am basically on liquid food. Very frustrating but with the hope that one day, there will be a solution. Anything i eat comes back out. So depressing to see food you like but cannot eats it . Please, if you find solution please let me know.

    Good luck.

    • Posted

      Have you tried a food diary to identify food triggers?  Have you seen a dietician and was IBS ever mentioned.  If all your tests are negative, IBS can be diagnosed.
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      Thanks alot for replying I will let you know , another natural path gave me "hepato complex" by leffers wellness, I was told it's supposed to help everything move, I haven't started it yet but I'm eager to know if it works ! You should give it a try

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      Yes I did a food diary for a whole month didn't see any significant changes but I also haven't cut out dairy yet that will be next

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      Hopefully you will find the culprit.  I have stress related IBS and food causes no probem.
  • Posted

    Hi Mel,

    you should not eat raw veggies, spinach, nuts, cereals, dairy. Fruits also not all as it contains sugar. these stuff will increase the strain to stomach and you get immediate impact.

    Try to eat cooked veggies, apples, banana, pommegrante, bread with jam/honey. add yogurt and garlic.

    i am surprised that your naturapath did not guide you properly.

    • Posted

      I will definetly try that, I try not to eat alot of hard veggies, I was told apples make ibs worse but I will have to test and see
  • Posted

    Hi Mel, I'm 23 when i was in my teens I had lots of bother with my stomach not really like IBS but it wasnt fuctioning properly and after i would go out for dinner i'd feel really sick. Visiting my doctor didnt help at all was told all tests were fine. Then when i was 19 i started bleeding when going to the toilet. After a scope and alot of worry they concluded it was ulcerative colitis i think the inflammation was there for a good few years before but wasnt taken seriously until i was bleeding i was constantly on tablets for folic acid and iron due to the inflammation but at that time we didnt know that. keep going and get the scope should hopefully get some answers.

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