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Has anyone here experienced very dark urine despite drinking quite a lot of water.  I'm in meno and wondered if it was another symptom.  I don't think I have an infection as no other symptoms!!  I did read that B vitamins can cause this.X

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Take a urine sample to your GP and get it checked out.  Always best policy.
  • Posted

    Hi Margaret.

    Don't worry. My urine is slightly darker than it used to be and sometimes fizzy! I'm sure it is the peri and vitamins combination. If you are drinking plenty this will help if there is an infection. I sometimes think I have an infection because of the colour but when I get a sample checked its negative.

    Hope this helps.


    • Posted

      Thanks ladies.  I just feel so anxious today and convinced I may have something more serious.  It is just one thing after another at the moment!!  I think I may pop a sample into the GP just to make sure.  I am sure it is nothing asI had an ultra sound recently and nothing on it.....but I'm sure you understand how the anxiety can get the better of of us all sometimes!!!!
    • Posted

      Oh just remembered I ate a whole beetroot yesterday....poo is red too!!!  Think that may be it!!!!!LOL  (sorry for the toilet talk)
  • Posted

    and they say beetroot is good for you.

    er ! caused you a bit of stress.

    take care x

    • Posted

      Thanks and yes really scared me.  y unrine is still alittle dark but nothinglike it was earlier!!! and relax!!!!!!LOL
    • Posted

      Hi, Margareth, some similar thing happened to my husband, because of beets, lol.  Just funny smile. But, I had a darker urine for a while, together with other per symptoms.  If it comes to be your case, dont fret but always look for a doc if you feel there is more to that.  Take care.

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