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Oh my god what is with this awful pill. After having to many side effects my doctor decided on monday that i needed to try off the mirt and come straight off i was down to 7.5mg for last 2 months and in a week was going back on my old ad dosulepin which i dodnt have any side effects but had just simply.pooped out. Anyway last night was my secont night without mirt and im not sleeping a wink my whole body has pins and needles and im so anxious and shattered that i feel i cant work today. I so tempted to go back on the mirt tonight just to get some sleep. I really just wanted off this drug as it wasnt working for my depression at that dose but higher dose had to many side effects

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41 Replies

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    So sorry to hear of your experience - seems to be quite common with a sudden withdrawal even from 7.5mg.  Following the forum some manage with no problems but not me!. Unless I taper down slowly I get similar problems to you. I'm now down to 4mg but it has taken me  4 months to get down from 15mg. I will continue with a slow taper for as long as it takes cos tthis is best for me. I think you need to re-consider whether stopping abruptly is right for you or whether you are happy to run with the effects of sudden withdrawal from what is a powerful drug. 

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    Sorry you are going through this.  It is tempting to just leave it off when it has such horrible side effects, but I am being really cautious this time and have got off from 30mg then 15mg for four weeks and then 7.5mg for 5 weeks and now 3.75mg the last two nights.  Admittedly I dont sleep well at all now, didnt once I was on the 7.5mg but will persevere as insomnia, despite making one feel so awful, is the least of my problems.  I was reading a Kindle book the other day called The Lies my doctor told me about osteoporosis, and it seems that a study done in 2014 on 60 people over 12 months had their bone density checked and it was 10% worse than those not taking mirtazapine.  I have advanced osteoporosis and I certainly don't want it worsened.  Perhaps go back to the 7.5mg for a couple of nights and then try and cut it in half.  Very difficult with pill cutters I know which is why I asked for the 15mg and still making quarters is hard but you cannot get anything less than 15mg in the u.k. anyway.  Good luck, hope you feel better as the day goes on. 

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      To help tapering I asked my doc for liquid mirt (i'm in UK) which he agreed to. I also got a 1 ml syrigne (1ml liquid mirt is 15mg). It has graduations that allow me to reduce by 0.01ml !! ie I can reduce by 0.15mg mirt at a time if I wish. This puts me completely in control of how much or how little I wish to reduce with accuracy. This helps me so much and would recommend to anyone. It is ridculous for a doc to expect us to be cutting up tablets or making suspensions to cope with tapering  but then I suppose they expect us to just stop quickly anyway . It certainly didn't work for me !

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    Hi Kelly I got some zopiclone to help me in the 1st week or 2 it helps greatly ..I no everyone says you come addicted but I didn't I took it wisely ..I hope this helps..

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      Hi sharon is that diazepam? I have some in my med cupboard i got couple years ago still in date. Do you think i could take half a tablet as it says half to 1 tablet 3 times a day if needed for anxiety they are 2mg tablets. Why didnt the doctor suggest this as im having a horrendous time coming off this tablet to the point i want to just die. Ive been awake since 5am with severe anxiety and just lay tossing and turning head racing with thought's im just shattered and my stomach is in agony

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      I believe that diazepam are the only drugs "safely" taken with mirtazapine.  GP's in the u.k. hate giving them out and normally will only do 2 weeks or maybe another two weeks if youre lucky.  They don't do much for me but sometimes I feel the need rather than taking bromazepam which are really good but not available in the u.k. although I have a store still but only for emergencies like mri scans or dentist etc.   I wouldnt worry about the expiry dates with them, I have some that are years old.  It's antibiotics you cannot go past the sell by date.  I have some 10mg diazapam but only take half maybe once a week during the evening if I think I am going to have a particularly bad night. Believe me I know how it feels and everything seems worse at 5 in the morning, my thing was 3.00 a.m. for weeks with nausea and racing heart.  I am sure you will get through it.  I bought some lemon balm teabags and capsules recently as they are supposed to have a calming effect but maybe that is for "normal" anxiety.  Take care, try and relax and perhaps go for a walk or do something pleasant.  Easy for me to say, I try to keep my mind occupied as subsequent to all my problems my dad died on 1st January and I am going through all those last hours again with him more so recently maybe since I was tapering off these horrible Mirt.

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    I cut my pill in halves then stopped on Monday. I stopped sleeping also an having to take a sleep aid
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    Thank you for all your comments last night was 4th night off mirt but omg do i feel hellish ive neen awake since 5am with servere anxiety my head unable to switch off racing thoughts and sleep is impossible pins and needles all over my body severe stomach cramps and shaking. I am so tired but cant seem to lie down. I feel im regressing back to October last year when all my depression came to ahead. I was only on 7.5mg for goodness sake. I have my prescription of dosulepin which i think im going to start tonight. I dont know whats worse the depression or anxiety. Im having the thoughts i dont want to be here anymore again and im a single mum of 3 teenagers.
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      Hi Kelly the doctor didn't prescribe me anything to come off mirt it's what I had left while taking it.. once I got upto 30mg mirt I couldn't sleep.. so i used up the zopiclone as there was no way I would of got thr it when I look back. . I hope you start feeling better soon x

    • Posted

      I only just saw your previous comments.  I am really sorry you are going through this and a single mum with teenagers, I recollect you being here before.  Trouble is so many things go on each day, not nice things, I tend to forget.  Of course you cant go out for a walk or relax.  I was a single mum when my husband died suddenly when our daughter was almost four so I do understand a bit of how you feel.  Dosulepin sound pretty lethal so if you felt okay on 7.5mg why not continue with that.  It is a very small dose.  The only reason I am so worried about taking these type of drugs like the SSRN and SSNI is because I have severe osteoporosis and possible primary hypararathyroidism (the latter causes more calcium to drain out of the bones) so I am trying to cut all of it out and put up with the anxiety as I am anxious every day about breaking a vertibrae or my femur.  I dont know if it is sheer coincidence but since taking the Mirt 30mg since January my back has been absolutely killing me and the least small chore I do I have to sit with a heatpag and codeine.  As I say could be coincidence as hpt causes bone pain too.  I also have this state of anxiety with useless GP surgery and have spent £6000 on an equally useless endocrinologist with overpriced blood tests and most recently a parathryoid surgeon who is old school and told me to take 50,000 IU of vitamin D a week to stir up the pth which also could account for bone pain so I am in this quandarry about mirtazapine. Anyway, sorry I am rambling on about myself.  Just calm down and pop a diazapam if you think it will help you today.  You are bound to feel wretched anyway with no sleep but dont start taking them as a regular thing.  Take care x

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      Hi sharon well i cant take anymore climbing the wall with stomach pains and anxiety so im giving in and going back on the 7.5mg tonight i will just have to put up with the drowsiness through the day as i cant deal with this withdrawl symptoms. Ive just taken a half a diazepam see if this calms me down but its the crippling stomach pains and nausea. I really cant belive such a small dose of mirt could cause this much problems to come off.
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      Thanks for your kind words and you werent gambling on. Well i lost my mum last year and had a breakdown in october and my usual antidepressant stopped working so was prescrobed mirt 15mg it was a godsend to start as it took me out of severe depression but the drowsiness was too much and was told to cut down to 7.5. Ive been on that 2 months and still drowsy and was also starting to wake up depressed and i have severe daily nausea now for 6 months so doctor wanted to see if it was the mirt causing it. I havent had a proper full meal in months. Im petite anyway but im just not hungry at all. Anyway today is a bad day its now 4 days off and i just took half a diazepam because im so anxious. I have severe stomach pain and nausea. I have to add i have had diagnosed ibs which has gotten worse and ive been referred back to gastroenterology to see why i have 24/7 nausea. Im going to go back on 7.5mg of mirt tonoght as o jist cant deal with this anymore x
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      It's mad isn't it Kelly. . I didn't have anything like that bt I was only on the crap for 4months.. I'd never of thought AD could do what it does to you fullstop. . It must be so cheap & dirty .. let me no how u get on once the diazapam sets in ..hope it eases for u huni xx

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      Thanks hun i seem to be sensitive to ALL blooming meds thats been 15mins since i took diazepam only half a 2mg as too scared to take whole one xx
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      That's good that's the best way to do it ?? when the pdr put me on zop she did 7.5mg I cnt understand y.. on them for a few months & I told the doc I wanted off so he gives me 3.75mg works almost the same.. xx

    • Posted

      You poor girl.  The nausea is horrendous I know.  I went on almost starvation diet for 13 weeks, doctor gave me anti nausea tablets but they made me worse.  I had an endoscopy, ct scan of pancreas but nothing found.  So they came up with the fact it was anxiety and depression but I wasnt depressed.  I was anxious though about the osteoporosis diagnosis and years of stress with vile nursing homes with my poor mum (I actually had to beg the registrar to give me the death certificate because it was suspicious circumstances as nobody dies of anemia these days which he did days after the funeral and only because I had to write to the nursing home and the nursing association), then there was my elderly aunt mums sister whose daughter disowned her and latterly my poor old dad.  Not being a driver and doing train and bus trips three times a week takes it's toll I guess.  I am still not convinced the nausea was caused by anxiety but who knows, if it comes back then I guess I will have to admit it was.  I dont think you should worry too much about the valium, 2mg is very mild.  I ended up taking a handful of xanax I was so desperate and that led me to mirtazapine but I couldnt convince them I wasnt depressed just couldnt stand the 24/7 nausea, racing heart and insomnia, and then four weeks later my dad died so I was in a right old state.  Take care and yes, do the 7.5mg tonight but dont expect miracles immediately. xx

    • Posted

      Are you still on the mirt hun? Do you mind me asking if it was for depression/anxiety. I lost my mum last uear suddenly but had battled depression before after i split with boys dad it hit me out of the blue. I just want to feel normal xx
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      No I lasted 4months on it .. 1st few weeks felt amazing that was on 15mg them went upto 30mg. . Oh my god side effects never known anything like it.. I'm on venlafaxine now 225mg am still very low at times..Iv had a couple of good days this week bt no sleep really ?? a side effect!!! Iv got bipolar huni which I have lithium for bt the depression is severe with anxiety so I need AD . IV been on sirtraline for 2 years it was ok bt I felt really tired after taking it & all I did was yawn alday long.. got really fedup of that so got put on the mirt . I don't no sometimes I think I should of been tapering instead of takin the next type.. bt pdr instructions. Alot of people on here think ven is amazing .. have you been to councilling? ? Sometimes that works better than a pill .I dnt think il ever feel normal again.. Iv given up on that .. think iv done too much damage being ill for so long & not getting propa help.. but hopefully you will have better luck with getting on top of it ..I'm really sorry for the pain youv had to go through .. heartbreaking xx

    • Posted

      Sorry took so long to reply my wi fi was on the blink. How long ago were you diagnosed bipolar? I must admit i had no idea up until 8 yrs ago just how debilitating and soul destroying mental health is. It still has a stigma and no one wants to hear how depressed you are. I WISH it really was as simple as snapping out of it or another word people say to me "chin up" do people really think i choose to be curled up like a baby rocking back and forth wanting to just sleep and not wake. There are so many forms of mental health i never even knew existed and having a daily battle with our own minds is truly horrendous. Doctors really arent doing enough. I have been on a waiting list to see psychiatrist since november! In nivember before i was given mirtazapine i weighed 6 stone and begged them to let me see someone that night theu did and i was sent home saying start mirtazapine and that was it. I had to go home and look after 3 teenage boys!

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      O forgot to say i was signed off work for 5 montha and went back in january its just 16 hours but i cant afford not to work thats why when the doctors suggest starting or coming off a new ad they dont take into consideration you having to keep a job or hiuse or children on your own. My mum was my rock and was here every day when i had it this severe 7 yrs ago sometimes staying overnight doing washing etc. In a way i sippose having no choice but to do these things is a blessing or i wouldnt be here now x

    • Posted

      Omg Kelly that's awful .. did u no mirtazapine is given to anorexics also to make then ear. . I put nearly a stone on in 10 days ?? I was anorexic in my early 20s they don't care pdr I hate going the 1s Iv had have always made me feel worse Spesh this 1 now.iv been in the system for about 20yrs always palmed me off with personality disorder because I'm a twin. So the meds didn't do its trick & I had nearly all them years trying to kill myself might aswel say. Then I unexpectedly got pregnant when I was 40. I had a daughter when I was 19 emergency section ..I could carry after that miscarriage every 3years so strange. I stopped my meds got into a real mess over an argument with my daughter saw the midwife who was so worried that they put me back under the mental health. So after I had Oliver that's when I was diagnosed. .n given propa meds xx

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      It's so bad ..that's another system that's so wrong.. pay ur tax.s all your life. .your off sick & get buttons .. I worked until last year ..that kept sane I dnt leave the house unless I have too .. dreading Oliver starting propa school all the meetings & stuff.

      Arhhhh your mum's sounds absolutely amazing ?? life's just not fare at all.

      have u been to bereavement councilling? Yer I feel like that if it wasn't for Oliver god nos now .. xx

    • Posted

      God sharyn 20 yrs is such a long time to feel like that! I would say then having youre son was a blessing it helped them see how bad things had got for you. Yes that was the exact reason i was given mirt to give me an appetite. I was given 15mg and had to take it alongside dosulepin 50mg for a week then cut to 25mg of dosulepin for send week then stop. This was ok as i was signed off work anyway and it completly knocked me out first night for about 15 hours and my appetite was raging almost within that first day on them. They worked great and got me out of the severe depression but i was having severe drowsiness for the entire day only going when i was due another tablet. They tried upping the dose to 30 but the panic attacks were to much some days i struggled to get out of the door with panic. So i went back down after only a few days. Having bad ibs this dose was now effecting or so they think my stomach and i was had nausea all day so a couple months ago i went down to 7.5mg. But alas i was now waking with anxious thoughts and depression was creeping back and absolutly no appetite at all only for crisps in the evening and still a slight drowsy drunk feeling all day. So there we have it why doc wanted to try me off and on something else. But now i have no appetite no sleep and severe stomach pain! I cant win x
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      You can't my love it's like a vicious circle .. I'm thinking maybe sirtraline may help u .. there's no tapering off that and it doesn't interupt with your day to day living. I was on seditives for years I didn't taper off them either. .trazadone they were called.. when I first found this forum a lady I spoke to had come off mirt to go on trazadone. .I found them ok. I wouldn't go bk on them after Oliver tho because I wanted to be super mum do everything right. Didn't last very long . Oliver was only a month old when I had the worst panic attack.. our 1st mothers day. It was set off by my sister being really evil to me .. I Gt in such a state nx min I wanted to kill myself ..little Oliver lying nxt to me ..saw his little face just sent me into a panic attack my hands locked as if cramp had set in.. so weird .. so that gave me the kick up the bum. U no seeing a pdr is poo gp has dealt with me from the beginning yet he can not over ride anything the pdr does ?? I'm sure iv seen some else on here about the stomach cramps too xx

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      Unfortunately i think ive tried everything going and just sensitive to most. Its what side effects you can tolerate. So many of them cause nausea and i already have that without medication ! X
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      Ive decided im not going back in the mirt. Ive gone 4 nights now so would it not be silly going back on now and going through that for nothingim going to give the lowest dose of the dosulepin a try. It worked for me for almost 6 years. Maybe id just been on it too long but i need something i need to have a peaceful refreshed sleep and not wake up anxious! Wish me luck! Or it will be me signed off again! X
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      Yrs youv done the hardest step now..don't dare ho back on it.. the side effects I got o thought I was hitting old age before my time .. having a baby late on.. I think I googled weight gain with mirt & found the forum .. think in march. the amount of side effects I had ..never ever have I before on any med ..just nausea normally n I put up with it in time it shifts with me.. ob your diff.

      Do u no what iv only had 2 hrs sleep meself didn't take a zop ?? I will tnight without a doubt .. & hopefully we can both wake up refreshed ?? we can hope anyway .. I hope you sleep well huni xx

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      How did you sleep? I think its an awful bug i have on top of the withdrawl as my son had a bug with nausea and headache last week and stomach pain. I just feel horrendous and heacache is definatly that viral one that doesnt shift. I dont do illness well it makes me more stressed because i worry who will do this and who will do that as i know the only person to do it is me. I wish i could lie in bed but going to bed makes me depressed and i just want up! X

    • Posted

      Hi Kelly,

      ?I was wondering what sort of a night you had.  The nausea and feeling so ill makes sense now that you have picked up this bug.  On the one hand not nice for you to have but in another way possibly a bit of a relief in some respects that you know the  cause of feeling so ill.  Just try and get through it, drink plenty of water and rest up even though you say it makes you feel depressed going to bed.  Stick the tv on or something and don't attempt to eat anything for at least 24 hours and then bits of dry toast.  I hope you are feeling better soon and your son.  I daresay the other two will get it (looking on the bright side!!) xx

    • Posted

      whose been a naughty girl then and got posts deleted by the moderator??  I dont understand their thinking at all.  This forum is fine for mirtazapine etc. but for parathyroidism, a big failure and I have just noticed an add on the bottom of one of the pages regarding hyperparathryoidism where it describes this surgeon, who my friend had and he removed lymph glands in mistake of growths on the parathryoid glands!!  That is why I much prefer the facebook group as you can say what you like within reason and post up helpful links which you cant here it seems.
    • Posted

      Hi Kelly I had a good sleep thanks I fought it until around 2am then tool a zop out like a light I'm glad to say ..

      Arhhhhh no that's a you need hey .. supose your immune system will be down also now. I was ill every 2weeks on mirt drove me insane didn't realise why of course.. I'd luv to lie in bed alday .. my Oliver woke me up early because he was cold ..lazy little bugger wnt pull his duvet over himself.. how did u sleep xx

    • Posted

      Aww thanks elaine. My heads pounding one if these headache bugs that dont go. Stomach in agony but not been sick just feel it. I had my first dosulepin last night so wouldnt know how well thats going to work until this bug goes. Apart from having to have my head stuck in a sick bowl feeling sick the sleep was more gentle than when i was on mirt. Its a weird kind of sleep on mirt i had jorrible vivid weird dreams. i almost felt out of body everyday its almost like i was living in someone elses body and totally void of feeling does this make sense xx
    • Posted

      Apart from the nausea it was a better sleep did feel a slight sense of depression but ive neen too sick all day to think about anything other than feeling rotten. Well thats me defo off the mirt and first dosulepin taken even though i feel crap i feel like im in my own body now not an aliens so i have fongers crossed this helps my depression again. Haha i dont get any of that jumping in bed anymore thank the lord they are 15 17 and 19 now!xx
    • Posted

      Ahhhh well that's a good start hey ..aliens ?????? so u feel normal then.. funny last night wen I took the zop I took 7.5mg instead of the 3.75 my word I was floating can't fight that noway.. knocked out in no time..

      ew lucky u .. saying that I have a 26 yr old daughter who still jumps in if she can ???? do u have 3 boys xx

    • Posted

      God o spoke to soon absolutly horrendous night and day. I really am not sure now whether i have a bug, its the withdrawal of mirt or starting the dosulepin.

      My stomach is agony i cant sleep my mind just buzzes and the pins and needles all over driving me crazy. I havent eaten anything since friday. Waiting for a call from medical centre to speak to someone as thats me unable to go to work can barely put one foot in front of the other i have 0 energy. Im so shattered but as soon as i lie down i get so anxious i cant sleep. Im so so tempted to ditch the dosulepin and reinstate the mirt because i honestly feel like im dying x

    • Posted

      Kelly hi, just wanted to say that all the symptoms you have explained sound like withdrawal or discontinuation syndrome for those who think Mirt' is not addictive (!).  

      As you just stopped at 7.5mg it could be pretty; all I would say is if you have any doubt as to whether you feel comfortable enough to continue, the sooner you go back to 7.5mg the more likely it is that the reinstatement will work for you.  Some folk leave it too long and struggle to stabilise, just hate to read of people suffering from a CT.

      I hope you soon feel well again, no one deserves the devilish agony caused by a fast taper of the Mirt'.

      Best wishes.

    • Posted

      sorry Kelly, I meant to say "could be pretty "hard" just stopping ... oh for an "EDIT" key !!  lol

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      Thanks calmer.

      Just spoken to a doctor on phone waste of time really. But since ive almost been off mirt a week and staterd back my old ad on sat she said i need to ride it out. Thats easy for doctors to say they dont know what this feels like. I feel back to where i was before the mirt. It got me out of a dark place but really me me so so drousy and detached and i suffered bad nausea and it caused my ibs to get worse. I honestly feel like im a drug addict whos in withdrawl. She did say i am hyper sensitve to medication. I ast if there was anything that would help with the severe anxiety and cramps but she said i couldnt take the diazepam as it doest go well with new ad which is dosulepin. Rest and drink plenty water! I really cant afford to be off work but there is no way i camt even get the strength to go from one room to another! Not good when i have 3 kids and a hyper dog. I dont have anyone to help either x

    • Posted

      Oh Kelly poor you .. I was lucky I didn't have bad WD. . Only on it for 4 months. I don't no what to say what's best for you .. I no theyl be some people on here that could guide u pretty good .. maybe start a new conversation saying nee help with WD from mirtazapine. . Lots will have info I'm sure xx

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