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Why do I feel like I have been hit by a truck. Suffering with pains round my middle which go into my middle back like trapped wind xFeel terrible x comes on and last for few days.I can go weeks and then it flares up xx Anyone else experience this feel like I am falling apart help please xxI am 58 and 2.5years post menopause x
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Mars777 wen_54374
Hi wen, Have you been to your GP? I'm not saying it is this happened to me a few years back now. First my GP tested me for a ulcer but it wasn't. He put me on Omeprazole which did help, I was sent for a camera down, nothing showed up, My omeprazole was increased t 40mg from 20mg as the pain was more frequent. I was fine while taking these, I then went for a scan which showed I had gall stones
Mars777 wen_54374
wen_54374 Mars777
Thank u I was thinking gallstones. If no better next week I will have to go. I have put weight on around my middle and tummy and eat on the run and too fast so I am always windy and burping. I know this doesn't help ..Good to hear from u feel so low at the moment and hate feeling like this .
Mars777 wen_54374
Yes do go it could be acid build up? I think we all put on weight around the middle my Husband & I have, which probably don't help. Thing is I think these symptoms with us all we hope they will go away! But they get worst before we go to see our Gp. So do go Hopefully get sorted for Christmas xx.
maddysmom2015 wen_54374
I found that in peri, I have become highly sensitive to foods that I was never bothered by before. Your symptoms--gas, fatigue, abdominal pains-- sound like a food intolerance. Can you eliminate some of the major suspects for a few days and see what happens? I would start with milk and then move to flour. Nothing major--just for a few days as a trial.
Many things can cause that "hit by a truck" feeling in peri/menopause. And food intolerances are tricky.
Sometimes a certain food can cause more exaggerated symptoms than at other times. For example, if you normally put a little milk in coffee and have a slice of cheese on a sandwich with your lunch, you may not notice a low level dairy intolerance. If, however, you have your regular consumption of dairy and add baked ziti and cheesecake one nice dinner out, you will be really feeling it!
Foods that I can't manage now--dairy, flour, eggs make me feel like I am so weak and achy can't climb the stairs. I still have those things once in a while. But I am prepared to feel like I am 30 years older than I actually am for 36 hours afterwards.
wen_54374 maddysmom2015
maddysmom2015 wen_54374
It's true. Health anxiety for me can be so debilitating I lose my ability to think critically and to make logical decisions and plans for myself. I get into a despair spiral and it is very hard to pull out. I've spent longer than I should being unwell because screaming anxiety stopped me from thinking clearly and make logical connections.
If you want to try something natural for gas, I would try a big glass of ice cold water. Then lie on your left side. (The descending colon on the left side is where gas can gather just before it exists. Lying on that side encourages it to leave.)
wen_54374 maddysmom2015
I thought I had replied but didn't go.thank u for the advice I will definitely try that when it happens again. This is such a difficult thing to deal with I hate it when I am not in control of how I am feeling .I struggle with health anxiety and when not well it makes it so much worse. This time of year I find hard all the expectation of Xmas missing those I have lost and it all gets to much .My only daughter is having her first baby in three weeks and I am so excited but need to feel well so I can be there for her .So worried about it all which I know is silly but when your mind starts working overtime it's not good x
maddysmom2015 wen_54374
Oh, sweetie! It breaks my heart to hear that you are suffering. The holidays are so hyped with family images--of course you miss those who have lost. And with a grandchild on the way, of course your daughter is turning to you.
Health anxiety is so insidious! It moves in and refuses to leave; even when it seems like it's gone, it's only hiding sometimes.
Make sure your Vitamin B is OK. Low levels of B really exaggerates my health anxiety.
I'm thinking of you!
wen_54374 maddysmom2015
pinkcatfairy wen_54374
I had gastitis in peri and the pains can radiate to your back and be quite unpleasant I requested an endoscopy to get the diagnosis and ppi's (gastro restraint tablets) were prescribed, they reduce the amount of stomach acid for it to heal. I didnt eat late at night, had top end of bed propped up, avoided alcohol, fatty foods and caffeine. If it continues I would recommend asking for an endoscopy x