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Hi, I'm new I've been on sertraline for five years since my mom died by inflection killing herself. I'm pretty much over that and the reason they put me on it and kept me on it is because I have ibs-d. They're trying to wean me off of Sertraline now because they want to put me on a different drug to help my ibs-d. The doctor started me weaning me off by cutting my 50 mg tab and half for one week. And another week by cutting that in fourths and then the last week of cutting the fourth tab in another fourth every other day. And then starting the new drug period since then I can't stop crying my belly is distended I go to the bathroom in my bed my brain keeps snapping I'm snapping it everybody I'm getting the shakes everytime I turn my head the whole room spins I'm cold all the time everything seems like the world is a downer and I feel like everything is against me. I've never been a depressed person but now I feel like thin to the world. Even when my mother killed herself I never felt like this. I have two more days of this quarter of a pill sertraline and I feel like I just can't do it anymore. Any advice? The headaches are getting worse. I don't even feel like eating. I just am jittery. I followed my doctor's instructions to the T.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    It sounds like the withdrawals. It will pass but it may take a little while. 

    Praying you get better soon. 

  • Posted

    I think you should go back to your doctor and explain all this.  There may be another anti-depressant you can take that will go with your ibs-d treatment, and maybe you can start taking this immediately?  

    Your symptoms seem rather extreme to me.

    Keep us posted, good luck.

  • Posted

    Awe Tammie you are having an awful time.   I weaned off sertraline last year but I did it so slow over months.   Drink lots of water and hang on to the positives, you will feel better when your new meds have started after this wash out.   Don’t believe the dark thoughts right now, it’s the meds not your mind, you are doing so well.  Has doc gave you diazepam or anything to help withdrawal? X 
    • Posted

      Hi, Laura36585,

      No the doctors haven't given me any diazepam to help me. I try to make him think I'm stronger than I actually am. I have been in contact with them and they know it's hard for me my skin is broke out from my chest to my face so they know I'm a highly stressed person right now. The nurses have called me twice. They know I've been in tears. And they said just take deep breaths they told me to drink lots of water I just take one day at a time and that's what I'm trying to do. However my stomach isn't agreeing with me and it's not going along with the plan. Why is it our brain tells us to do one thing for the rest of our body tells us to do something else? Please just send prayers out I'm dealing it with the best I can I only have the rest of the week to go Sunday starts a new medication for me. That medication is was going to scare me though it is amitriptyline I start out slowly. It should help my IBS and my fibromyalgia. I just found out that fibromyalgia started in my stomach. No wonder I'm hurting so bad. I think you for your thoughts and I thank you for responding. I'm glad you're over the worst. Time to drink water in time for a nap thank you.

  • Posted

    Omg that's far to quick  You need to do it really slow 

    Im coming off too . I was on 50mg for 5 years ,but now I'm on 25mg every day and I've been doing that for two weeks now and I've got another Two weeks to go . 

    Then im going to take 25mg every other day for 4 weeks . Then one every  third day for another month then every 4 days for another .then your body should be use to it and hopefully no side affects . Hope you get through it ok .

    • Posted

      Thank you Sharen74613

      I thought I was crazy. I have till Saturday to go. Last night at 12:30 I was walking around just staring at the sky looking at the stars praying but I was going to be okay. I kept feeling these ticks in my brain my heart was beating really fast I just kept breathing in and out. It just feels like nobody around me is understanding me. They go to sleep they go home nobody just understands. But now I know I'm not crazy. Thank you for responding.

  • Posted

    Hope your feeling better today Tammie ,

    All the things you are feeling are the withdrawals . My doc told me to come off in two weeks but he'll no . It's going to take me about 3month . Unless you have been on these kinder meds you don't no . And the doctors don't no either. 

    Slow is the answer.x

    • Posted

      Thank you Sharen74613.

      Today I have nausea but I do feel a bit better. I do have to tell you that I am scared of going on to the next medication amitriptyline. I hesitate on going on to even a more addictive drug. But with my stomach issues and my fibromyalgia I'm scared to death now to go onto it. I'm in so much pain I can't leave the house because of my ibs-d that something has to mellow out my body. Is there anyone that is on amitriptyline that can direct me? Has anybody been on it that has any good news about it that has taken their pain away or help their ibs-d? I am just so scared that I'm going to get on this medication it's not going to work and then I'm going to have to go through all of this again. I really don't think I can do this again. I think everybody out there for helping. It does help to talk about it. One more thing that I have to bring up is the weight gain and not even eating and I'm still gaining weight. Thank you all God bless

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