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So I was bit by a tick back in 2006. i did develop a rash that eventually scarred. I didnt know anything about how bad ticks could be until recently though. Shortly after, I got bit I did get quite sick and was in severe pain. Was pretty much bedrriden. I went to sports medicine and was diagnosed with fibromalgia. For the next 12 years, I have been in alot of pain. I have found that my short term memory is gone and I very recently started having tingling in my fingers abs feet. My father recently mentioned LYME DISEASE to me and wow I have almost all of the sypmtoms. However, when my LYMES test came back it was negative except for the IGG 41 ab. present.
I read that having lymes for a long time it will eventually move ro your tissue and bone so it will not be found in the blood any longer. Is this true? I know you cant believe what you read on the internet but it would make so much sense because I am having alot of random pain in my joints. My pcp just said she was going to continue with muscle relaxers ext. but I really want to know wth is in my body.
So basically, is it possible to test negative for lymes after 12 years and should I try to find a LLMD or a disease doctor. Or is being IGg 41 ab nothing to worry about? I have been sick for so long at this point, I just want to feel better.
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bob73443 megan12784
Hi Megan,
First, I am sorry to hear about your pain.
You are going to find out that you have asked THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL QUESTION concerning Lyme, i.e., can it actually exist in the body after initial treatment -- can it become chronic.
Mainstream medicine says no. But because of all the sufferers of aches and pains (some debilitating) after initial treatment, something is obviously missing. There are "Lyme Doctors" out there that are dismissed as lunatics, but who have taken upon themselves to seriously probe the question: why are so many people still "sick" after initial treatment?
My advice to you is to find one of these Lyme doctors. When you do, you might find out there's somethings ELSE going on -- related to, but different than Lyme. There are co-infections that often cause similar or worse symptoms as yours. One of these co-infections is "bartonella."
Whatever, this is a serious matter and I'd find a Lyme doctor. We've found that the mainstream medical folks have nothing to offer those in this kind of pain.
I hope this helps.
PS: watch for the reaction to this -- you'll see what I mean by controversial.
megan12784 bob73443
Thankyou so much for taking the time with your reply. I must have lived under a rock lol bc I didnt know a think about Lymes disease until recently. Are the coinfections found in the WESTERN BLOT test? Or is that something that I would need to request?
estherrose megan12784
Hello Megan,
I'm so sorry to hear that you fell through the cracks with being misdiagnosed and not treated for Lyme disease right away. The exact thing happened to me, it took them nearly 3 years before I got treatment. This issue with Lyme is that if you don't treat it immediately it becomes chronic. So I too had been diagnosed with Fibro and a host of other symptoms. Where do you live? You should get yourself to go to a good Lyme support group. If you live in the DC area you can go to and visit NatCapLyme. Check them out online, National Capital Lyme has helped direct me to the correct doctors and to seek the best treatments.
God Bless,
megan12784 estherrose
I live in Eastern NC. I have tried looking online but havent been able to find anything at all in my area. DO you know of any good sites to find one in my area? THANKYOU so much for your reply! This whole situation is really scary to me.