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i WENT TO ER tonight to get abcess drained from my hs on goin area they only got a little out and i still cant walk its still so big and hard doctor did ultrasound and said there was only a little drainage in abcess so what is going on IM IN SO MUCH PAIN IN the past they would drain and i would feel instant relief not this time i feel worse
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Pullhandlesup sarahrossx99
hi Sarah, sorry to hear about that, i don't recall ever having one like that but who can remember them all. it won't be much help to you right this second but i try to tell everyone this, if you stop eating all sugar your hs will go away, you'll see relief as early as the next day. even a teaspoon will trigger abcesses, and sugar is in everything but if you're careful you can have relief. feel better
barbara91275 sarahrossx99
clearasil ultra helped me when they wouldn't drain. It's for acne.
It makes them smaller and my skin would peel of afterwards, they wouldn't drain externally.
I use iodine now to get them to open up, cause mine are mostly superficial.
And cream for baby rash will help mine heal, because there is Zink in it. I use sudocreme.
My no go food is milk chocolate.
Big hug.
squirrelly1010 sarahrossx99
Try to use a bandage with a paste of table or Epsom salt and a small amount of water. Put a good amount of salt with a small amount of water. Mix into a thick paste & apply to the area or bandage and allow it to sit against the wound for several hours. It will soften the skin and draw the fluid to the surface and should burst soon after on its own.
draw out salve is supposed to work similarly but I have found it to be less effective and messy
gunga64 sarahrossx99
Be aware with salt and baking soda/water which I use and works, will burn like hell on open wounds, I would recommend baking soda and water mixture over salt, and if it stings wash area with water after applying to remove burning.
I accidently found a solution to my stomach issues I have had for decades, a good side affect of dermatologist visit story below.
I have gone to 5 different dermatologist the past few months for H.S most are useless and even though I try to see the doctor I kept getting young P.As who didnt know anything.
I finally told them give me the Dr and not a P.A I know this one guy and he has been dermatologist for decades. His bedside manner sucks but he is good.
At the same time I was put on SMZ for an unrelated problem and Cefdinir for an area under my arm that burst about 9 days ago. I have noticed areas are healing that refused to heal with other antibiotics. I was never given Celdinir in the past because I am allergic to penicillin and they are close in formula. Most doctors give you doxycillian or some other antibiotic that never works.
I have an H.S wound on my thigh for a year that constantly tried to heal but then fill up and burst over and over. The baking soda and water mixture started the healing process started but the drugs really kicked it up a notch.
I also have a side bonus for using both of those drugs, my stools have been normalized a dramatic improvement. I have had IBS for 30 years and colon resection about 15 years ago and never had such good bowel movements like I do now.
Now I am on these two drugs, the change is dramatic. I will soon determine if its permanent or if it was the combo of both SMZ and Cefdinir or just one of them. If I find which one is helping which I suspect is the Cefdnir I plan on seeing if I can stay on it for lifetime. My dad has been on teracillian his whole life. I would assume this would also help in possibly slowing the H.S
Avoiding sugars as much as I can without going nuts too.
gunga64 sarahrossx99
Also, they can inject the area with steroids that usually calm the area down quickly for a month or so but is not permanent. I have found surgery not to be effective.