Help - acid and indigestion for months

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Hi, I'm new on here and hope to try to understand more about what is happening with my stomach. Im a 55 year old female, dont smoke or drink.

In the last couple of years i've started having bad reactions to certain foods/drink, usually anything with cream or any rich foods.

For the past three months ive had almost constant acid, stomach upset and a weird sensation when swallowing.

Ive been given omeprazole and famotidine, both of which lowered the acid but gave me awful stomach cramps so the doctor said to stop taking them and in two weeks i am going to provide a stool sample to test for HP bacteria. Also ive cut out rich foods, tea/coffee.

Im starting to become very stressed as it feels like its taking forever to get anything done and all communication has been with the doctor on the phone.

My stomach is now constantly mildly upset and i go from being constipated to loose stools and back again.

Also i'm struggling with nausea and discomfort after defecating, as well as after meals.

Any advice would be appreciated. I fell asleep for half an hour earlier and woke up feeling so sick with acid in my throat i felt like going to A&E as it was as though there was a blockage.

Ive had blood tests - all normal.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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6 Replies

  • Posted


    I have similar issues like popcorn pop-up noises after each meal and indigestion, which I never had in my life. I am always careful with my diet ever since my blood work showed my bad cholesterol is just above the marginal level. I got rash and continued grumbling in my stomach, so I just changed my diet to calm my gut. I went on a gluten-free diet, but that did not help. Finally, my doctor did a skin biopsy which shows I have vasculitis disease. It is a rare disease and needs immediate treatment to save organs.

    I am not saying you might have the same issue. But I just wanted to share my story.

    • Posted

      monica thanks for your response. Thats just another thing to add to my list of possible causes 😦.

      Its very frustrating and depressing to not be able to have a diagnosis. Bizarrely i have found that sometimes the foods i should avoid, such as chocolate and caffeine etc, actually settle my stomach.

      I am hoping if the HP test doesnt show anything that I'll be able to have an endoscopy to see whether i have an ulcer or something else. The only time i get relief is at night when I'm in bed and everything settles down.

  • Edited

    you maybe got gastritis or a hiatus hernia whats your breathing like

    • Posted

      Hi, my breathing is fine but swallowing feels a bit weird sometimes.

      Ive basically had an upset stomach accompanied by acid for the past three months.

      Some days are good but theres always a weird sensation, then a day later it starts up again.

      Unless i eat very bland food such as dry crackers or mashed potato i seem to have a reaction. Nausea is an issue as well.

    • Posted

      Hi ,

      I'm 69 and I've had awful problems with digestion for a while now . I had a gastroscopy a few years ago which showed mild gastritis,

      things didn't improve despite being a non smoker ,moderate drinking , eating fairly sensibly most of the time and I'm not overweight .

      I recently had another gastroscopy last year which showed a hiatus hernia .

      I only have to sip a glass of sparkling wine to start feeling a problem with indigestion! . I try to limit chocolate , anything fatty like cream or pastry etc .

      About a week ago i started getting bad pain in my upper abdomen which has not eased and now my back hurts when I take a deep breath .

      I've seen a Dr twice this week and was told I have gastritis and to take an extra Omeprazole at night . I'm taking paracetamol and drinking chamomile tea which sometimes helps me to sleep . The Dr wasn't worried as all recent tests were clear , I still worry though !

      I'm getting quite upset with the constant pain . I know how you feel and hope this helps .

    • Posted

      I agree as I have indigestion feelings every day and after a gastroscopy the second time I was diagnosed with hiatus hernia, the first time mild gastritis ,

      certain foods make things worse , like some dairy , chocolate , spicy food, alcohol , pastry etc

      it makes life quite miserable when as soon as I wake each day I have discomfort in my throat .

      I also get a spasm feeling that comes up in my throat

      omeprazole doesn't seem to help

      i take Gaviscon at night which helps a bit but not a day goes by without symptoms !

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