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Hi. So got my period after removing contraceptive implant around 29th last month. Oy lasted 3 days & didn't feel great. Last few days I've been feeling really nauseous like really sick, today I have allot of weird head pressure and random pains and numbness feeling ( I can only describe it as if my head was a phantom limb) my anxiety is out of control thinking I'm sitting on a panic attack as finding it difficult to breathe etc and just general dizziness my vision is off too lots of eye floaters and feeling a bit weepy ?! I also have noticed once or twice a month I get a really stiff and sore neck in the same place usually after waking lasts a couple of days?! Are all these things typical of peri ?! I it's don't know I feel like I'll never feel normal again x

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6 Replies

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    Oh & I get crawly cold goosebumpy skin 😐 feel so unwell.
  • Posted

    Also if I drink alcohol the hangover is on a new level entirely actually feel like I'm going to die everything is exaggerated x20 ?!?
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    Hey nixnix, I felt that way last month during my menstraul with sudden eye pressure, migraine, stiff neck, random pain, nausea every morning (im not prego), soreness, dry mouth, very tired, hot and eye floaters too. I truly was worried and was going to tell my husband to take me to the emergencey room until I ran into this site and read 66 symptoms of peri/menopause and yessssss exhale!! We are not losing ,we are just perimenopausal! Hope you feel better, hang in there.
  • Posted

    Hiya, it can be such a horrible time but thankfully there is an end to it, so thinking positively really does help, though not always easy to do.  It does sound like the start of menopause and there are literally hundreds of symptoms and its different for each person too.  I've suffered with depression and anxiety for most of my adult life but since going through the menopause these feelings are much improved.  I'm convinced they have been hormone related as they started about the time my period did and have become much better since my periods have stopped.  Hope this helps in some way, take care X
  • Posted

    That's how I feel like I should be going to hospital I feel like my brain might just stop at any moment it's horrible I'm 32 and family history of early menopause at 35 & 40 Dr still not taking my seriously tho I'm struggling but struggle on meds really sensitive am doing acupuncture and vitamin b at the mo is helping , anything else I should try mainly for the worts head stuff and fogg/ dizzyness x
  • Posted

    Nixnix, I think you are premenstrual now? Because it's the 26th now, and it was the 29th when you had your last period last month.

    I have quite bad pms, and I do a few things to control it. I use a herbal supplement, and a lot of ladies on this site are recommending menopace. I really rest a lot before my period. I try to exercise regularly the rest of the month. And I use progesterone cream before my period. There is some controversy about the progesterone cream, so read up on it if you decide to use it. 

    I have started a new job, and it's quite active. I noticed this pms cycle that my vision got a bit blurred and tired as well, sometimes dizzy. It might have to do with low iron, so you might get your iron levels checked. But basically, I just tried to rest my eyes as well.

    A lot of people have told me about sore neck and shoulders, it's a known symptom of perimenopause. You might be getting it when you ovulate, about two weeks before your period.

    I have found perimenopause to be a big adjustment. I have had to focus on my health, really prioritize it. Resting, moderate exercise, eating well (I don't eat sugar, well not much, unless I am really active, lots of veggies, some fruit, brown rice, bread, yams), no caffeine or alcohol.

    At first, it was all really hard, but now I feel there are some benefits. Basically I think the drop in progesterone is hard, but the drop in estrogen is good. Estrogen drop came really later for me, so the first part was really hard. I did decide to use progesterone cream, despite its controversy, but you might start with the supplements, the lifestyle changes, and then think about the cream, if you do decide to use it. 

    I also felt very strange, as though I was becoming a different person, because the hormonal changes affect our brains, our ways of thinking. I like myself more this way and although the passage here has been rough, and I am in no way over it, I do like the person I am becoming. So light at the end of the tunnel? Bless you nixnix.

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