Help........advice needed, please.

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I am 51 years old, and had an endometrial ablation 10 years ago so haven't had a period in years. I woke up about a month ago with constant feelings of what I would call adrenaline rushes. Coolness starting in chest and rushing down arms. I would then get major anxiety and nausea...actually ended up in ER and they sent me home saying it was anxiety. Since then, the rushes have subsided quite a bit, but now I am left with good days and then days of major anxiety. its almost debilitating. I also experience sleep disturbances. I am almost asleep, but then jerk awake before I actually fall sleep. My progesterone level came back .6 and estrogen was 44. Started 200 mg of progesterone and noticed some relief with the sleep. The anxiety comes in waves...some days are completely normal, and then some days I have so much anxiety that its unbearable. does this sound like perimenopuase/menopause to any of you??? I cant live this way if it is.

I started looking into Adrenal Fatigue syndrome as I had the symptoms for that too. any advise is soooo greatly appreciated!!!!! HElp!

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jill, definitely sounds like your hormones are playing games.  When peri stated for me, my anxiety hit it’s peak, I had that jerking thing too before sleep...hypnotic jerks.  I take an AD, and they have gone away.  Your adrenals are probably fine.  I’ve been severely fatigued all the time, dizzy.  I was convinced i had addisons disease. NOPE, My cortisol levels and dhea came back perfect.  Just perimenopause for me, I’m 41.  You can get them checked, an early morning blood draw is usually done.  

    Since you don’t have a period to go by...  Have your FSH tested a few times too...if your levels are consistently could be in meno/ post meno.  Take good care!  😊

    • Posted

      thanks, lou- I did have my cortisol level checked (the 4 point test) and it was fine. I also had my FSH tested and both times in a three week period it was around 50. Does AD stand for antidepressant? if so, my doctor wants to start me on Prozac for the anxiety.

      so you were dizzy too? do you mind me asking how often your anxiety was and how bad? every day??

    • Posted

      Your 50 FSH is high...The lab i tested at shows 23-116 as post meno.  Might explain a few things!!  I never had anxiety before, it just hit me 13 months ago. I was out to eat, then a wave came over me...thought I was having a stroke!  Then, a montn after, I called the ambulance as I woke up with heart palps and couldn’t catch my breath (dad died at 42 of heart attack, I was terrified). I spent 6 months of Several drs visits, ER visits ran me into health anxiety...I was so convinced they were all missing something.  No, I am healthy.

      Then, came the 24/7 dizziness and fatigue, over reaction to smells, sounds, lights, all anxiety symptoms ..since Dec.  

      I know it’s my hormones, but, I just started the anti depressant Lexapro 7 weeks ago.  The dizziness has gone down by 1/2.  I am driving again, (short distances)and do not have that feeling like I am floating around as much. I am not as jumpy.  Apparently, it can take upwards of 3 mo to fully kick in. I would just say give the AD a can’t hurt, you can always come off.  Start low and slow.  The side effects can suck.  If I can do it, anybody can...I hate meds a d it took me a year to agree to try them.  I have to wait  a couple to see another dr to get myself figured out, it’s getting me by until then.  

      Sorry to ramble, but the dizzy thing hits home for is horrible.  Feel free to ask me anything!  I hope you find some relief 😊

    • Posted

      Hi again!  I forgot... breathing. It is so important.  I noticed I hold my breath sometimes while feeling anxious.  Then, take long or short fast ones to make up...hyperventilating...contributes to that dizzy business 🙄. I was chest breathing too.  Proper way is belly breathing.  I listened to guided meditation before bed to help with that.  It in not a cure all, just trains your awareness.  Plenty of free ones just search them. 😊

  • Posted

    Hi Jill - You sound like me only I am post menopause.  I get a warm  sunburn like sensation all over my body, but mainly back, chest & front of calves.  It travels & feels like my nerves are sparking & I have anxiety big time.  Funny, I am pretty convinced I have AFS too!  Just had a bad episode last night & I wake up super fatigued - ugh!

    • Posted

      Hi debra,

      thanks for responding too. I don't get hot flashes...only the adrenaline rushes and major anxiety. The anxiety is almost debilitating. Do you take anything for the anxiety by chance?

    • Posted

      Hi Jill - I do not take anti depressants or anti anxiety RX.  I do however have a bottle of Ativan in my purse in the event of a “bad episode” of panic.  Just knowing it is there is comforting.  I am very sensitive to RX’s, so I choose not to go down that path, I hate all the side effects from RX’s & yes, every drug does have some kind of side effect.  I have tried to fight my way through the anxiety & take a B complex, magnesium, D, fermented cod Liver Oil & take a supplement called CatecholaCalm & it has various things in it such as valerian root, lemon balm etc.  I carry lavendar oil with me wherever I go & spray it on my pillow at night - it calms me - I also have been practicing meditation & when I feel anxious I just try to breathe my way thru an episode.  It by no means is easy, but I am trying to not let anxiety become my ruler.  You have to do what is right for you - I take B/P RX, & have had such a bad past dealing with all the side effects of B/P meds that I am trying desperately to stay away from RX’s, but most people are not that sensitive to drugs - you just have to find what works for you - good luck!

  • Posted

    Yes, I had this. The adrenaline rushes that wouldn't allow me to sleep. The second I nod off, a panic attack would hit me. I could only sleep on xanex for a while which was terrible because I was frightened to get addicted. Depression eventually kicked in and went on Lexapro which TRULY saved my life. I am also hypothyroid so started meds for that as well. Big hugs to you.

    • Posted

      thanks, Erin- this is hands down the hardest thing I have ever experienced. do you have any idea what caused all of this in the first place?? ive researched everything- down to adrenal fatigue...I am just so lost and desperate for answers.

    • Posted

      Hi Erin,

      do you remember how long the sleep thing lasted?/ where you'd startle awake upon the verge of falling asleep?

    • Posted

      It lasted a couple of months but then by that point I became severely depressed and couldn't sleep at cll. It was the hardest time of my life and I thought I was going to never get better. Depression is a beast (it was my first time experiencing it). The lexapro seriously saved my life. I am not kidding. Are you depressed at all? I have a friend who also has the panic attack upon falling asleep and he said that he takes a hit of canabis (Indica) and it calms his mind and he passes right out. It is legal in California. 

    • Posted

      Hi Erin,

      I am 51 and entering Peri- per my lab results. my anxiety is almost unbearable. My hormone specialist is saying it is anxiety. I'd love to try the cannabis at this point...I am desperate for sleep and some normalcy... I am not depressed yet, but I feel like it will be coming. Did you get on hormorne replacement or did the Lexapro just fix the sleeping issue bc it fixed the anxiety..?? help

    • Posted

      Hi! I did estrogen patches, lexapro and also thyroid medication (hypo kicked in). You might want to start with adding estrogen to see if that helps but that wasn’t enough for me. lexapro made me feel better than have have in years. I was becoming a hypochondriac as well. I thought every pain was a death sentence. Anxiety started kicking in around 45 and progressively got worse. I was frightened out of my mind to go on antidepressants since they get such a bad rap. I tried vitamins, meditation, exercise, therapy. Nothing worked as my doc said because it’s all internal. Do I have in to antidepressants and will stay on them until menopause hits and will slowly wean. The funny thing is I had stomach issues for a year and it went away with lexapro too. I think the anxiety was affecting so much. I feel you pain!!! Hugs to you. I am here to help if you need it. 
    • Posted

      Hi Erin,  sorry to cut in, but...I’m on Lexapro too and I am in a quandary right now about upping it.  On my 9th week.  Started on 5mg until the side effects wore off.  Now I’m trying to stick with 7.5 mg.  I’m actually supposed to be on 10 mg.  It has helped with some stuff, but my worst thing is the lingering dizziness (had it before Lex).  I am wondering if I need to up it or just wait a little longer.  Did you ever have the anxiety dizziness with peri?  Sorry to babble, not many people stick to an AD once the side effects kick in. Thanks!  😊

    • Posted

      Hi Lou, I was the same as you. I was titrating up soooo slowly and it was taking so long to feel better and I knew I needed to get at 20mg and 10 wasn't doing anything so I decide to just grin and bear it and took 20mg. I was so shocked that there were no side effects *other than my jaw locking up) like when I first started and two days later, I started to feel better. I think sometimes our mind is playing tricks on us and we are so scared of the side effects because of all the bad stuff we read online but in reality, we are all different. If I were you (and the doctor wants you on 10mg) just do it! The longer you take to get where you need to be, the longer it takes to feel better. Lexapro is an amazing medicine. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!

    • Posted

      Hi Erin!  I went up to 10mg 2 weeks ago...ending up not being a big deal.  No side effects.  Feeling pretty good.  Some ick days here and there, but tolerable.  Definitely not laying around like a corpse anymore!  Actually drove to the city the other day for my child’s  appointment...1 hour!  Had not driven more than a couple minutes away when I was really bad.  I also am better about taking my omega3 vitamin, I read it is good while on an AD.  Sleep was still an issue so I started liquid is helping for now.  Going back to obgyn to see about possibly giving birth control pills another try to help with these hormone dips, exhaustion, dizziness.  But, will stay on AD along with it.  Thanks for checking in!  I hope you are doing well!  😀

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