HELP! Bladder and kidney issues no resove

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Hi. Ive come here for help as I'm driving myself insane. I'm a 27 year old female 1 child. I started off with what felt like period pains and tiny bit bleeding in between periods so I went to my local gum clinic. They said I had some infection in my woman area tested for stis etc too (been with same partner 10 years). The pain persisted and got worse so I went back and they did a wee sample which came back with blood and proteins and that was it. Few days later I was getting a lot of pain in lower tummy and left kidney. I felt sick and dizzy so went to the docs and they have me antibiotics. They haven't worked so I've had a blood test and it's come back with infection, inflammation, higher than normal white and red blood cells. My wee says there's no infection in it at all. They have sent me for a scan which is in 3 weeks time. I have period type pains all time and my kidneys start to hurt when lying down. I'm driving myself insane with cancer worries etc so would really like some clarity good or bad. Thank you for any help x

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Maybe you have a kidney infection which can be very painful. Hopefully the scan will show if this is the case. If the pain and anxiety gets worse ask to have the scan put forward.  When I had stomach pain, I was too anxious to wait a month for an ultrasound, so I went private.
    • Posted

      The pain isn't intense. It's bareable I can continue for a while it's more my bladder area than kidneys. I did have a lot of pain in kidneys but now that's passed and just stuck with bladder pains/period type pains. What I'm confused about if that my wee shows no infection but my blood does :-/

    • Posted

      Maybe the test showed a false negative result.  Ask your doctor what he thinks.
  • Posted

    My girl had something like that and it appeared to be ovary problem...
  • Posted

    Please search internet for IC, interstitial cystitis, if it made sense.

    As to blood parameters (guess white blood cell count, CRP, sedimentation rate or better viscosity) for inflammation:

    that can be anywhere in the body, can be completely unrelated to your symptoms or related.

    from a scratch wound to sore throat or not noticed infection to arthritis to pelvic inflammation, nephritis....

    Unfortunately very general parameters without location indication.

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