Help!! Crazy lady here!
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Hello lovely ladies. I have been really struggling with PM symptoms looking for reassurance and coping tips. I'm 42 Started this journey 2 years ago with bad pms symptoms severe anxiety dizziness fatigue palpitations list goes on. My question is how many ladies have the heart palpitations and what kind of things do you do to help. I still set my period however right before is so bad. My months come in waves now on how I feel what my moods are and how my body reacts. Oh lord I hope this is over soon lol. Thanks for any input
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klm1213 renee61138
Magnesium glycinate 400mg per day totally helped me.
renee61138 klm1213
Thank you. I have been doing some research I have Svt also and I have read that magnesium helps tremendously. Is there a certain brand you take. And what about stomach issues?
klm1213 renee61138
I order it from Amazon... the brand is Kal
klm1213 renee61138
and no stomach issues whatsoever magnesium glycinate is supposed to be the easiest on the stomach 😃
renee61138 klm1213
Thank you so much!! I am going to order some.
julie7525 renee61138
Hi Renee. I had all of those symptoms with palpitations being the one that triggered anxiety attacks. i went on beta blockers which stopped the adrenaline dumps that were keeping me awake all night. i then went on sertraline to sort out the anxious thinking. once under control i reduced beta blockers and used magnesium, which seems to work well as touch wood i dont get palps any more, even tho since ive swapped to low dose prozac (due to weight gain on sertraline), im getting some anxiety attacks again. I'm 3 yrs post meno. palps started 1-2 yrs before meno, went ballistic once periods had stopped, responded well to beta blockers initially and now on 40mg beta blocker (1/3 of original dose) and 375mg magnesium. best to check with doc tho if you can take both - i just asked a person off a health supplement website. have you always suffered with svt or is this also a meno symptom?
renee61138 julie7525
Hi julie. Actually the svt started during my last pregnancy my son is 5. I quite smoking I dont drink anything with caffeine however stress and anxiety play a role. I see the cardiologist 1 a year for check up. Last time I saw her she did give me a beta blocker metrolopol. I am very petite5 foot 110lbs so she recommended half the normal does at bed time. However she basically said as needed. I haven't used it yet because I'm trying to look for a more natural way. Blood pressure is normal bpm normally 65_70 resting sometimes lower or faster.
julie7525 renee61138
well you're doing all the right things...i also quit smoking and caffeine. However yesterday i threw caution to the wind and had 2 proper coffees and paracetamol with caffeine for a headache, boy did i pay for it with anxiety!
my sister had svt as a teenager, so i guess its hormones. yes i wish id known about magnesium, B complex and vit d before my anxiety rocketed, id prefer to not take prescription meds.
also read up on agnus castus for menstrual issues. hope you find something that helps. oh I do remember being better on the minipill...theres no pill free week so hormones more even and my periods stopped on noriday, which was great after suffering menstrual migraines for 20 yrs! however since then menopause has struck!
renee61138 julie7525
I will talk to my doc about the mini pill I was concerned because I smoked about any kind of birth control but I definitely think I need some help. I usually only feel like this 10 days leading up to my mens however my first symptoms was the anxiety panic and palps I started to keep a record and realized it all leads back to hormones. I am a lil deficient in iron but take no supplements usually just try to eat well other than that when this all started I was terrified. Blurry dry eyes aches and pains anxiety tension sore breast palps. I was like what the hell I even started growing hair on my damn chin and loosing it on my head!! I'm only 42 some days I feel very old and see women twice my age running circles around me. I've started to change my diet and that has helped. Waiting to hear from my cardiologist for the ok on magnesium but I'm sure she will say it's fine. ughh does it end lol
julie7525 renee61138
mine let me have the mini pill when smoking, couldnt have the combined cos of migraines. it does sound like perimenopause...thats when my palps and anxiety started, 2 yrs before periods stopped at 47. my sis who's 5 yrs younger also seems to have started peri around age 42. but yeh the mini pill could give you a better time of it til menopause. because my periods stopped when i was on it i thought id come off it to see how my own hormones were...i had one last heavy period for 2 weeks (on holiday!!!) and that was it! then a hellish first year in menopause and much better now, 3 yrs after but still with anxiety lurking! they dont call it the change for nothing!
vicky77852 renee61138
For me hrt, magnesium and vit D make a big difference to my symptoms. I am 42 and my symptoms started 2 years ago. Hope it helps! 😃